Remember the old comic series called MMO Tales Shorts? Well MMO Tales is the second series of these shorts. Try to read as much as possible. Im also going to need a couple of new people to be in these shorts. I know that the first series was only eight parts long but thats how it is. Well enjoy the comic or the profile updates. I plan on making the real comic shortly.
20 thoughts on “MMO Tales 1”
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May I be In ’em?
*Sparkly Sad Eyes*
Oh no!
Don’t make the “Popular MMOTalers” phase come back again ;_;
I return to visit and find this blog created.
Muffin, I love you.
Don’t make the “Popular MMOTalers” phase come back again ;_;
Arent we all popular? In our own world?
No Fireleo, you wouldn’t understand what I mean since you wasn’t here on MMOTales that long.
I posted one blog yesterday, it sucked.
Ooh! +w+
War paint! Buwahaha! *giggles madly*
*Sigh* You dont have MasterCheeze in there, -_-
Damn, you are obsessed with Cheeze, aren’t you?
Getting out of hand there.
Who doesn’t love Cheeze?
I mean, c’mon. He tastes great with nachos.
i r banned so no cna talk
Applebomb is so awesome and gorgeous and she’s the coolest and I wish I was her and I love men and Apple.
-goes to ride tractor-
Hey Cheeze sign up. Please. We need you. Be one of us.
Heya, I almost forgot.
Leo, change mah shirt, and mah pants, and mah shoes, and mah gloves, and mah pride, and mah dignity, and mah wallet, and mah honour, and mah cards, and mah jealousy, and mah inner noob, and mah inner geek into level 60 pl0xxorzzzz.
Inner noob surfacing. . .
Must kill inner noob. . .
*Blasts head with Fenny’s SPAZ 12*
sweet, these comics are back :3
I’m still hurt because you were just standing there for 4 hours while i was waiting for you,
Assulter’s gonna go Super Saiyan!
Ohnoes, SS Assulter.
But I want a Harpie Cape, lulz. (if it isn’t too late to change)
Lawl. So me not being a character in your serious means I’m a losar? o: Awshum.
You need to sign-up. Nuff said.