Maple Love Story Prologue

When I was six years old on Maple Island my parents took me to a party at a mansion. We all dressed formally. After a few minutes I wandered off somewhere to look at a delicious looking cake.

“Mom, could I get a slice?” I asked before I turned around and saw noone behind me. I started wandering off, looking for my parents while at the same time watching unfamiliar people talk and eat. Soon after I started to cry, still looking for my parents. It was when there was this boy who walked up to me.

“I noticed that you were crying and wandering around,” he said, “So I wanted to give you this.” It was some type of chocolate candy. “Chocolate always helps a hurt spirit.”

I stared for a few seconds and then took the chocolate. We both smiled and my tears stopped. I munched on the chocolate while we started wandering around the mansion talking about both of our lifes, hobbies, and stuff that I didn’t understand. I didn’t care though. Mom found me after a while.

“Eleanor, it’s time to go home,” she said. She took my hand and walked towards the exit. I look back at the boy and waved goodbye. He returned my wave with a smile.

It has been fourteen years and I have become a powerful cleric. I helped people who needed saving from dangerous monsters in Ossyria, defeat the two versions of a Balrog, and occasionally give some newbie or hobo some mesos. But as well as my life has gone, my heart still hurts for one reason.

I never saw the boy again.

To be continued.

8 thoughts on “Maple Love Story Prologue”

  1. Jesus said: “Whats the main thing of the story?

    It’s obviously about the parents’ lives.

    [ ♠ ]

  2. MEH said: ” Wait.

    i am disappointed.

    Why cancel the Defilers? Why can’t you ask Mippy for permmission? D:

    And, we’re all mature enough to handle the cussing, right? D:


    Put t3h starz on the cusses? You’re pretty close to making us who are eager for your story explode. -___- “

    Imanotlikeythiscosj00disapp01ntd your fanz.


  3. repty said: “Not long enough . But since it’s a prologue , meh .”

    does it disturb u that it might be A SHORT STORY? =O

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