B-L-O-G! What does it spell?!


No seriously, what does it spell?

Anyways I’m going to talk about Maple Story, Tantra, my Updates, and just a little about Runescape. So get comfortable. I know I will.

Maple Story

Well I leveled a few times since I was last on but now, I’m just trying to get to my second job advancement so I can be called a real Strdit! But my skills are MP fueled and use about 15 gallons of MP a second. Yes I’m producing pollution and causing the greenhouse effect. I predict that Maple Story will be dead in- never. Anyways back to the point.

I leveled three times since I last month (Yeah I haven’t been on much) and am now a proud level 26 novice Strdit. Yay! And yesterday I bought me some NX. Double yay! With 50k I bought the FireLeo86 style sprite. If you don’t know what it is see my banner. That except without the Red Fist of Fury, the watch which you can’t see, and my back is on fire. And the glasses are frameless.

I pqed a little, had this guy who decided it would be funny to party me and some other guys and waste our time by not repling and then going to Henesys while laughing at us. He’s on my blacklist and I plan to defame him every single day I get a chance. Never mess with a guy who has the word Lion in his name. Nowadays I train at that tree filled with green mushies and slimes. I enjoy eating them for lunch.

My White Tiger names Snow is making me angry. He refuses to do anything I say but responds to some ‘ihateyou’ or ‘dummy’ and the occasional ‘sit’. That’s all he does. Yes my pet is a guy. I checked.

Tantra Online

I am currently typing this entire blog while I sell stuff in my free market. Everyone gets a free market store thing but the down side is that you can’t move. Unless you have the treasure chest store but then that costs real life money. Anyways I played Tantra last week with my friend over and he said it total indian. *rolls eyes*

It is not indian type game! Maybe. I don’t know. It does have japanese backgrounds though. Anyways I got my shop working and had these rare items on me. Yay. But a few seconds after I set the shop up I just got two Rupiah or Rupee. Whatever you want to call it. I was like “what the tugboat?” I then figured out that I was suppose to set the price of the item and not how many I wish to sell. I lsot two rare items for just two Rupee.

Well ym friend kept on nagging me to kill some random character, mistaking a girl as a guy, wanting me to stab an archer, all that stuff. I decided to kill somemonsters that look really old and he says why the heck do I kill the monsters that look like grandfathers. lol. He asked me if I would do that to my grandfather and I told him we was dead already. He is. Really. Then he replies ‘and now we know why.’ lol.

Well anyways I managed to make my character to pass the cursed second class advancement test and lucky me. I got my skill points reseted. I no longer wield two handed swords any more. Now I wield one sword and one dagger. Yep. Dual-wield is available for Asura and Rakshasa Tribe when they are Drukas. Yay me.

Rune Scape

The entire game of Rune Scape dies today. Jagex decided to fix the unbalanced trading.


Well I am currently writing two fan-fics: Maple Love Story and Lunar Chronicles. I am currently working on the second chapter of LC and MLS chapter three will become my priority after I finish chapter two for LC.

My comics- well I haven’t had any ideas in a while. I even thought downloading Paint.NET would help- it didn’t. My comic career is dieing. WHY!

Tantra (again)

When will one of you guys try to play this game? It’s fun. I’ll help you train, help with your quests, help kill other people, kill you if we’re in Kruma and you’re believing in a different god, the good stuff. Please try it. Just one of you.

Basil Market

I’m bidding on a Garnet and might be sniped so I’lll make this short.

Good with it and my blog is over.


Yes it is over. Once again I got NX and I want one of you guys to play Tantra.

15 thoughts on “B-L-O-G! What does it spell?!”

  1. You look kinda like me in the smallest way.

    Look up iSHiNx7in GMS, Broa.

    I’m sexier. c:


  2. Hey, I’ll play Tantra with ya. Just tell me the download site because I see that there are more than one site to download from.

  3. MasterCheeze said: “Wait, that NX outfit cost $50? Did you at least get anything else? o.o”

    No I just couldn’t get 35k NX. Target ran out of 10k NX cards.

    Muffin said: “Hey, I’ll play Tantra with ya. Just tell me the download site because I see that there are more than one site to download from.”

    Thank you! The site is here. Make sure to click the first one.

    Also you’re going to need to sign-up. The sign-up forms, you can see it. You’re going to need a mobile though.

  4. Hehe, I didn’t enter a mobile and it still worked.

    Also, I put in a fake address >D

    I hope I don’t run into any legal troubles x~x

  5. How muhc longer is it downloading? Also tell me ahead of time. What type of class do you want to be? My previous Tantra blog contains the class/tribe guide. Gamefaqs has a better guide but it works.

  6. Muffin said: “Hehe, I didn’t enter a mobile and it still worked.

    Also, I put in a fake address >D

    I hope I don’t run into any legal troubles x~x”

    Put down Rusty Shackleford as your name if you never want to use your real one.

  7. FireLeo86 said: “I used my real name. And address. And Mobile. And phone.”

    *hacks your account to find that all out*

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