A New Magician

Well, my first post and I have some free time. I guess I’ll explain the whole background of this. I started maple story during the spring, after my friend had just downloaded it and recommended it to me. At the time I was really into World of Warcraft, but I downloaded it anyway. Soon, when I reached 70 in WoW I went full into MapleStory. Game stopped working abruptly during the summer, so I being I sent in a ticket to the GM. Fast forward to end of summer, I had just received help and was back.

I couldn’t decide on a class. I made everything and everywhere. But then there was Kradia, a chance at a new beguining. So, I made a few characters there and eventually settled on a Magician. But, that is where the struggle starts. You see, I had 2 accounts due to all of my characters. I went to target yesterday and bought a 25k card, and charged the wrong account.

So yeah, I ended up restarting my magician because my other one wasn’t particularly high. But it was hell, I was poor, no character to support me (I filled up on Kradia, so I was in Khaini.) and that’s bad for the potion foundation. Now I’m level 15, hopefully I can sell fame and catch up on armor (I have a decent supply of potions). I guess I should just hope I can stick with magician and not say “Oh, assassin looks fun!”

12 thoughts on “A New Magician”

  1. Welcome to MMOTales. I make fanfics, comics, and blog. I mostly blog and write lol. I’m also [=P]P[/url] lol. Hope you enjoy your stay ^_^. Not that you’re leaving.

  2. Hey, it seems like you’re making an excellent start. Might I ask what you got with that NX?

  3. Welcome to MMOtales!

    Magicians are the easiest to play in late 1st job to 2nd job. And they earn the money rather quickly too, if you skimp on the pots and use your Relaxer often enough to regenerate mana. I always thought magicians were the easiest to start off unfunded; my lil i/l mage was unfunded even though I had a main, and she made her first million earlier in the levels than my ranger did.

    So, good luck with it!

  4. Goodie too youie. Suck about that though. However dude, game gets boring sometimes, but stick it up!

    And to all you Berans out there, contact me at Mikuzumi. IGN:Mikuzumi. ^^ And its ok dude. GO GO GO!

  5. Welcome to MMOtales.

    Our current status is that one of our oldest members (I think) named Dest1 hit the road after a huge argument or something between fellow MMOtaler Ganzicus, and the MMOtales community is slowly ripping itself to pieces.
    Using Tongs.
    Lots and lots of Tongs.

  6. I’ve alwaysthought of NX as a waste of time.

    And Grim, I’ve been here since the beginning.

  7. Thanks guys! To answer the NX question, I bought metrosexual hair, blue dye, eye 6, and blue eyes. My character is looking quite blue right now

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