
Bah. I wonder if I should really keep trying, or encouraging my friends to keep trying with guilds.

We’ve all had bad experiences with guilds we have joined. My latest goes something like this…
I joined the guild TeKniQ, in khaini a week or so ago. I was one of the original six members when the guild was being put together, and I right away started to make a few friends. So things with the guild were going fine, it was growing at a good pace, and everyone was getting along, to my knowledge.

Then I woke up this morning to find myself kicked from the guild. I’m like “what” and immidiatley try to contact my guild leader, who was online. I got no response, and then he went AFK in FM until after I had to leave. I still haven’t gotten any answer from him, about 16 hours later, and none of the members I’ve seen know why I was kicked.

I’ve had two other experiences like this, only in those the guild didn’t last as long as this one. I’ve also had several of my friends experience this type of thing, however they’ve been lower level than me, and forced to pay much larger entrance fees than myself. (I’m paying 15-30k at level 4X, they’re paying 30-50k at level 2X-3X)

I personally like guilds overall – it allows me to meet some new people I wouldn’t have had the chance to otherwise. It also gives me more people to talk to, because guild members tend to be on at all hours. There’s also more people to party with, or to help me plan out what to do next.

What kind of experiences have you had with guilds? how have they worked out, and what would you suggest I do to find another one that won’t turn out this way?


6 thoughts on “Guilds”

  1. At that time, guilds were just released. I was sort of desperate to join a guild, they sound so cool. So I paid my 200k entry fee to a guild, called ch0sen1s. Similar to your case, they were nice and everyone got along, we are always training with our master who was very nice to us. Her name was huihui. She told jokes and talk about other interesting things in her life and maplestory. She even made a website for our guild and organise some competition.
    It was until huihui had her ‘o’ levels coming up and decided to stop playing, saiwang took over. He runned the guild pretty well at first, but soon, he was corrupted with all his power, and started to kick us for no reason.
    My brother wanted to leave the guild by himself and ask for his 200k back but saiwang only agreed to give back 100k. This, I can understand, maybe this was a disincentive for my brother not to leave the guild.
    However, I finally saw through saiwang’s true colours when he kick me for no apparent reason. I was quite a active guild member, I saw no reason why he should kick me. Again he agreed to return 100k only. “What!” I shouted, “I was forcefully removed from the guild.”
    With no doubt, I knew saiwang was a scammer from then on, he invites people so as to earn 200k and kicks them to get a profit of 100k. I cannot believe he is almost lvl 60 and resorting to such measures for money.

  2. I have been pretty successful with guilds, I joined my first one, DarkMethod, and after a while we all abndonded the leader and started a new one, due to him always begging him to be trained etc. So we started a new one, DeathWish, and ive been in that guild ever since we abondend DarkMethod, which we started about 1 day after guilds came out. So i have had very good experices with guilds.

  3. Ah yes, I’ve had bad experiences with guilds also.

    I was in a friend’s guild in Broa. One of the members, who was thought to be trustworthy, actually stole all the contents of two of the guild members accounts. I then decided to move over to Khaini where there are less people, which I find much more peaceful.

    I wasn’t in much guilds yet, but I had joined one recently. The leader was a good party quest member, but man, he was truly annoying. He begged for donations for 3 hours straight. I had met a party quest member who had said that he was in the same guild, had donated 150k, but was expelled for not having logged on for awhile since he was on vacation. I wasn’t having much fun in that guild and decided to leave.

    I made one with my friend now, and I haven’t expanded it yet.
    It’s a new guild, but with great people and perhaps you can join.
    Just buddy me > Mirose.


  4. I know what you can do! Join mine! well we havent even made it yet but we have 4 people now just 2 more contact me ingame if you want to join my name is donkeypatrol I’m on right now if you wanna talk.

  5. i was in a guild for like, what, a day? and another time, 2 seconds. it probably was a mistake. but i’m guild-less. btw i’m in bera

  6. Hmm, not really. During my whole game time I’ve only joined one guild. I know the people pretty well so. . if I were kicked I would still have them on buddy. . I would suggest joining a guild of a friend of yours. The guild masters I know are usually really nice, and kick if they hardly see you on. Welps, thats all I have to say (or type) for now . GL ~

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