ah whatever…

ok,i have succumbed to you guys constant rambling about me and roshan dark
i have to say this clearly,i am not flaming you,MAPLE,OR EVEN GO AS LOW AS TO INSULT YOUR PARENTS
why does it take just one phrase that is,”please do not flame”
and people just come and flame away

yeah,you might think,”oh,his mind has been corrupted by hours of playing runescape” as what devilrymage said
at my last blog,
devilrymage : Can you see the ignorance and stupidity fenrir is expressing? That must be the negative side-effects of runescape.

lemme get my comeback speech.
ok,i am only here to blog not to cause flaming and stuffs
so i have come to a conclusion that,
some people here draw conclusions as fast as a speeding bullet train
OMG i think i have just upset some of you
i better stop here before everyone comes to flame

go ahead,flame away,not gonna pay

15 thoughts on “ah whatever…”

  1. ok im not sorry i post twice.FLAME ON!oks now lemme giv u a few points of maple over runescape

    1)the graphics are better everyone knows that
    2)the gameplay is better lemme tell ya i DID play for 3 weeks and i tot it was(put well)NOT SO GOOD
    3)not as many ppl play runescape as maple, i did say points of maple over runescape right?

  2. ok fine i admit i was being a little immature; just had a bad day that’s all. But would you pleease stop talking about how runescape is superior to maplestory? This was meant for maplestory, for goodness sake. I’m not gonna flame this time.

  3. no matter what you guys say,i am always playing runescape
    k,now go flame me
    *equips anti-flame shield*

    Not flaming but I think you need to know that this is a maple-based community and insulting it is a no no

  4. fenrir, im not flaming you! im trying to be understanding but-
    just dont make me start spitting out things i dont mean to say

  5. ok ok,i know you are not flaming me!
    there’s no need to post 2 times!
    spitting is banned in singapore,if you do it,you will be fined

  6. lol.?i kinda agree with you.but isnt this site supposed to be for ALL games,not just for *grimace*MAPLESTORY.
    you maplers stay to your maple and don’t flame.and my post on maple,was my view.
    no need to like,um,go what RS SUCKS LAH YOU—–yeah,that.
    *equips anti-flaming shield*

  7. since nobody’s flaming, what’s up with the anti flaming shield? im ok with you talking bout rs as long as you exclude how its better than maple story

  8. Any game is better than any other game, you just have to look at it in your own way. I think MapleStory is superior compared to WoW. I tried WoWs 10 Day Trial and I didn’t have any fun. If someone thinks Runescape is better than MS, then that’s their opinion, don’t go and flame the crap out of someone for having an opinion. I can’t honestly say anything bad about Runescape though, because I haven’t played it, and apparently you have to pay for Runescape (If I’m wrong, let me know.), which would shy me away from playing it.

  9. we equip the anti-flame shield in case somebody who has no moral comes here to flame all of us
    *gives out free anti-flame shields*

  10. for all you who say runscape sucks, why do you think it sucks?
    if this was your first mmo then be glad it was runscape that inpired you to play other mmo’s
    dont be mad at runescape or flame it simply because the graphics are a little off, the point of runescape is to challenge your mind, as it only focuses on the quality of the gameplay.
    sure maplestory is fun and the quest are great but there are too many hackers in ms as it is. there are no hackers in runescape because as you level in runescape you do have fun and are not just powerleveling like you would in ms. runescape has its ups and downs but so does maplestory. no single game is perfect, not even world of warcraft, which is as close to perfect as an mmo can probably get to.

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