Terrible Day

OMG, i can’t believe what a crappy day I had T-T
I was just minding my own business with my friend happily killing H. Mushies when a guy came over and started KSing my friend. After she repeatedly told him to stop and go away or cc he wouldnt go so I came down to help her. Then we started a little flame war ( ok i guess that was kinda stupid but i was SOOOO angry! I would’ve strangled that lil ***hole if i could >.<.
After this he just suddenly turned around and mass defamed me ( and I wasn’t even the one swearing the most!) and got me to -3 fame. Then he stalked me and basically called me a loser before I went off to buy more fame and lost 5k by a jerk who scammed me…
ah well, i’m just letting off some steam
now im just depressed.
anyways if you ever see this guy ( ChaosFirez) could you plz tell him to not be such a jerk? thanks

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