Well, this is odd.

For the past few days, I have left my store in the FM open overnight. And, well, people say some very strange things when you’re gone.
Some of which I can’t even say on here without the possibility of me being banned.

However, it also gets you a few fames. Which is nice.

Anyhoo, that isn’t the point of this blog.

Yesterday I was in the Free Market when someone from a few days ago came up to me and said that he liked my hair. Then, his friend told me to stay away from him since he’s only attracted to guys. But I recognized his name. Then I realized where it came from. My friend Erick is friends with him.

I asked him if this was the case, and he said that it was.

Then, today I was walking through Ludibrium when I saw someone who was actually speaking with full sentences and proper punctuation. This amazed me. I tried to resist the urge to follow him up to where his friends were sitting, but it didn’t work. I know, I know, now I sound like a stalker. But I’m not.

Then they said something along the lines of, “I’m not going to live to be 41. Ciel is going to kill us all.”

My friend is named Ciel. And they just mentioned Ciel.

“He already has bombed the mall.”

That was Ciel. Definitely the same.
So now I was wondering who these people were.

“Dood. This girl is hawt.”

One of the guys in the group of friends came over to me, and started poking at me, showing that he was talking about me.

“I don’t know if she’s AFK, but her eyes are really hawt.”

His friend joined in.

“Let’s see if she’s AFK.”
He dropped some low level equipment right on top of me. I didn’t feel like bothering to pick it up, so I didn’t. And then he dropped a Zard. If I picked it up, I would have given it back. But I was too lazy to pick it up, and too slow.

“If she had picked that up, I would have laughed so hard.”

I should have. Just to be funny.
Oh, well. Back to the story.

I guess that the girl who said that Ciel was going to kill us all was named Pam.
Two of my friends talk about someone named Pam, and it’s the same girl.

It is a small, small world.


I just figured I should blog about that, because it gives me a blog to put “I GOT TO LEVEL 47!” in.



Yay! Go me! -Dances-


Peace out, homefries.
~ Panda

15 thoughts on “Well, this is odd.”

  1. Wow sweeping subject changes. Gay guy + chick you know who bombs malls = Woot level 47! . . .? (and hell if I know if I can say the word “Gay.” it’s not like it’s a bad word. What else am I supposed to say.

  2. Lol yay for level up. Was the girls’ name ‘Álexxisrose’ ? That’s Pam. She sucks, olololo.

    Homefries? o.o

  3. Lol yay for level up. Was the girls’ name ‘Álexxisrose’ ? That’s Pam. She sucks, olololo.

    Homefries? o.o

    That was her. XD Her boyfriend was the one who said I was hot.
    At least, I think it was her boyfriend. She had a crush ring with him.

    Yes, you’re a homefry. Not a homie. A homefry.

  4. Congrats on leveling . And the only thing I got on my FM was “do u s> kumbis?” I was selling Ores for Pete’s sake. >_>

    +Sono-Arch Cookie MacCookie

  5. So that’s what I’m missing when I don’t have a Store Permit?

    < Crotch chops to Cash Shop >

    Congratulations for finally getting to level 47, though! =D Maybe now we two could be considered rivals again? =/

  6. Congratulations for finally getting to level 47, though! =D Maybe now we two could be considered rivals again? =/

    =/ But you’re still 50.

  7. Yay for you getting on front page! ^_^

    I’ve gotten front page before with my rants. o__o; You should read them.

  8. Faelli said: “=/ But you’re still 50.

    51, actually. At 80%.


    But you’re starting to get up in the levels and that’s a good thing. :3 I’ll look forward to you hitting the big numbers. ;D

  9. 51, actually. At 80%.


    But you’re starting to get up in the levels and that’s a good thing. :3 I’ll look forward to you hitting the big numbers. ;D

    Exactly my point, Ceth.
    You’re outlevelling me, and I was level 46 for about a week and a half. There’s no way I can catch up to you again.

  10. catch up catch up! motivation to higher lvl! XP it’s so hard to level up but the weapons and armours and equips and everything gets so pretty and attracting XD

  11. Small world it is xD. . . i know from my own experiences as well. xD

    maybe ill bloggzzors about it

  12. Faelli said: “

    51, actually. At 80%.


    But you’re starting to get up in the levels and that’s a good thing. :3 I’ll look forward to you hitting the big numbers. ;D”

    Exactly my point, Ceth.
    You’re outlevelling me, and I was level 46 for about a week and a half. There’s no way I can catch up to you again.

    You can, if you only believe!

    But on a serious note, I get what you’re saying – maybe we could hook up sometime and train together? 😛 Wouldn’t hurt, now would it? ;c

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