Maple Wedding done =)

Well Im not single anymore xD.
Just tow people came = o but its ok ^^ we got a megaphone and stuff ^^ here are some pics =)

Pic 1: the megaphone
Pic 2: the wife got in ^^
Pic 3 : at the altar
Pic 4 : the kiss ._.
Pic 5 : all people gettin exited xD

=D Im sooooo happy ^^

6 thoughts on “Maple Wedding done =)”

  1. Felizidades Que tengan Buen Tiempo de Su Boda (I said it in spanish cause u speak spanish right? the megaohone is in spanis)

  2. Rew said: “Congratulations on your wedding! (Btw, what happens if you get a girlfriend in real life?)”

    shes my real life girlfriend =)

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