6 items in one day!LUCKY

today was one of them “i’m luckier than tiger” moments. I was doing a quest to get 400 of them tentacles. in the process i got a two handed axe and crossbow stimulator. My friend convinced me to go to vic. So i went. i was in the tower. A trickster appeared in front of me. im like i ight get lucky and get a seclusion. so i killed it. i got a korean fan…LOL i killed some other tricksters hopin for something more. i got a steel missel. i was doing a quest in ludi. had to kill chronos. I got a red starlite. then in henesys a guy dropped maple flag and i got it. one of the best days of my short maple life.

4 thoughts on “6 items in one day!LUCKY”

  1. that aint even that luky o.0 its only like lvl 38 and under stuff, most of those r npc food except the maple flag wich i gave my mule.

  2. nah, seclusion is only like 1mil now, way 2 many ppl been lookin 4 it to get rich or for themselves, but i gotta admit, even npc rips u by like wat, 800k? nice drop rate though, i remember my best day was on fire boars when i found 4 drops, 3luk, 27def red pilfer, 2luk, 26def red pilfer, red shadow pants, and blood fitted mail, that was back when my cleric was only arround lvl 37

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