Going to 15- Almost

Yeah, it’s 5 days off, then off to the deadly exams.

While I was playing Maple, I leveled to level 13. Yay~

Thanks to Slash Blast, my training has got easier. I’m almost advancing towards 14.

But there is one thing holding me back…


While playing, I kill, blah, etc, then boom. My screen freezes, *dun do doo da du* music still playing.
Restarting my computer took about 3 minutes. I opened Maple again. I train some more in the urban streets of Kerning.

Screen fades to black–

“We have detected a possible threat of hacking. Please contact the MapleStory website for more information and/or help”

How many friggin’ times has this happened?! Is it because I was slash blasting and looked like a vac-hack?
Well, not the point. I’m still trying to fix the problem.

So anyway, I used the money that my fellow kind friends has given me as a gift on the potions and armor/weapons.

I bought the level 15 set (no shoes and glove) and also a Bamboo Spear. I think I consumed about 90k today.. but I’ll make up the loss I have done.

Making Friends
It has not gone well at all. The entire game was flooded with illiteracy and rudeness.

EvilHerpies: Hello
noob: cn u trn me 2 lv 10??/?
EvilHerpies: No.. I gotta go to.. *runs away*

It wasn’t all bad, until some other dude came up and tried to scam me..

scammer: hy, u wan 100k?
EvilHerpies: Sure
scammer: ok, folo me
EvilHerpies: I don’t want to, give me it now

Then blah blah blah, after annoying the scammer, he was irritated and walked away.

picture1: My level 15 set
picture2: Me “trying” to own octopuses
picture3: Mission failed. (I forgot to press the potion button)

I just found out that I misspelled “Herpes” to Herpies

15 thoughts on “Going to 15- Almost”

  1. Omgosh. You play MSEA? Awesome !~ I have a LUKless mage in training WHEN I GO ON [which is soooo limited] If you want, we can train together! :]]

    But the level is really low, i cant remember what it is now, T.T

  2. woah!
    if you look on screenie 2, in the chat box, HamsterGal and RinoSaSa just got married!
    and congrats to you on leveling, of course. =D

    <33 Liviadia.

  3. *rolls eyes* Still lvl13, eh stranger? >>; And here I thought it was a big deal when I got to lvl 40. *snorts* Nice blog nonetheless.

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