This time, the [G] stands for Gi-normous.
Heh heh
Alright so, I left off with this picture.
The mean lizard man with the cool mask.
I went back to PQ and got to level 31! In the term of turning into level 31 in Taiwan Maple is 畢業, which means to graduate.
.. Makes sense.
The party members are really nice. This one dude gave me 5000 mesos and told me to 加油.
Lol, check out the letters I have
I then traveled to Orbis and I talked to this fairy and then took me to Amoria! I got myself a suit, but then it sucked because it ONLY LASTS FOR ONE FREAKIN’ HOUR..
So overall, Amoria in Taiwan sucks ass because it’s a gigantic map and it has no appeal what-so-ever. No monsters to fight, nothing to buy, just nothing. I left.
I went to train on Kitties since you know, that’s what the guide says on every guide.
The map was weird
Or perhaps it should be flipped
Oh yeah, not to mention. There are a lot of these little tugboaters. I find it weird that no one is here even at channel 1. Seriously, there’s so much.
I got bored and went to see the Jr. Lucidias. They were cute, but then they’re strong ass mother tugboaters
I got bored of it’s crappy EXP and the money and the freakin’ obstacles that I need to pass through to get those things. Hate it..
I went back to the MRT to train with my DEXless warrior friend. And then some other spearman came out of nowhere and made a deal with him and blah. I asked him what he bought from the dude and he said he bought a Lupin eraser for I think 7 million.
I was like, woah how much money do you have?
(1E = 100,000,000)

I began my hardcore power training on the MRT train. While I was training, this bastard crossbowman wanted to party with me and train with me. After I rejected him, he said, “不組搶” which is the informal way of saying, “If you don’t party, then I’m gonna steal this map from you.”
What an asshole. I kept on KSing him until he left, bastard took 600 mesos from the money drops. Grrr. Then I kept on training my guy. Until I finally leveled up.
But during level 33. I was bored with training so I did jump quests
I LOVED IT <3 <3 [/sarcasm]
And I also met up with the Giant Centipede <3
Oh yeah! Remember the Lizard Mask dude I mentioned before? The announcement FINALLY ANNOUNCED the map thing opened. I’m guessing someone punched him in the nuts and as all males, falls away in pain.
AT SATURDAY. I was lucky enough to find someone who would kindly give me the map, no pun intended.
Here is my glove
+2 DEX
+1 LUK
+2 Defense
+4 Avoidability
Tell me, damn it.
So, 1 hour later, I trained 47 percent (Yes, I know, I’m good)
I eventually leveled up to 35
Okay, to make things short. I’m tired, I wanna go to bed.
I after that, I took a boat to Orbis then to Ludi.
Then I PQed twice and got a 60% 2handed Sword Scroll and Heart Earrings.
Then me and Stephen dropped a Mokbi and Snowboard on the top of the thing.
REAL END (press liek lolz)
Hehe, sounds like you had a fun day or two.
Training from 31 to 35 was hell. I hated it.
I just made things look fun
下 is an interesting way to say ‘log off’.

And equally interesting is that 不组抢 term.
Amoria in SEA is equally boring too. :1 I’m thinking Nexon decided that GMS should have all the wedding goodies, so therefore the other versions shall just have crappy versions of Amoria. >>;
Damn Nexon!!!
Crap, I don’t remember my Global account information anymore.
-sorry double post-
Heh, tell me about it. The eastern version weddings look cool in their own right from the videos I’ve seen. I guess some people at Nexon won’t get the hint that not everything in the world can be westernized.
47% in an hour, eh? Nice! I’m rather jealous that you guys get to fight slimes in a subway car. XD
A subway car that looks exactly like the KC>NLC subway, no less.
Now I know where Nexon America ripped that from D:
The subway train, the Evil Slimes gives 80 EXP and it has less HP than Kitties.
Chinese in game ?
* dies if my maple became that
I wish I could play JMS, actually. But that will never happen because the language is easy to learn, hirigana and katakana aren’t terrible difficult . . . but O.M.F.G the kanji T_T
Are you sure that that’s how it’s spelled? Not hiragana? (sorry :/)
It is a cool mask. . . ^_^
– Little preacher man.
Kanji is easy if you know Chinese!