Seraphim’s Tear Chapter 1

I’m so sorry it took so long to get chapter one up, I had a science project and like five exams to study for.

Chapter 1: Memories

-Can I trust him? She wondered, he said that he was my friend, but can I trust a friend with my life? No…I can’t…I won’t, trust is for the weak, those who can only depend on others to survive and I am neither weak nor do I depend on anyone.

The look in her eyes changed, from fear to determination,”I won’t die, I can’t die here, not here, not now” she said to herself. She tightened her grip on her kunai and waited as the man charged toward her, it reminded her of another situation, very similar to this one.

-Watch out! He yelled, too late, the Taurospear was already charging at her its deadly spear leading his charge.

She held her kunai with both hands, “I got one shot at this, I have to make it count” She thought. The man was shooting arrows after arrows at it with incredible speed, the beast gritted its teeth in pain, but kept charging. ”Almost there” she thought, just when the spear was going to hit her she jumped past it while trusting her kunai into the monster’s head. Blood spilled out like water from a fountain as it fell to the ground with a loud, earthshaking noise.

-So? What do you think of that? Not bad uh? She said to the man.
-You were lucky, don’t ever try such a dangerous stunt again, he answered.
-Lucky??? What do you mean by lucky??? I’ve been doing this since I started living here there was no luck in that!
-Well if that’s the case…don’t do it again anyway, I’d prefer to die then to see you die.

She looked away with a disdainful look, but actually she was blushing, nobody ever cared if she lived or died, not even her parents and now this man, out of nowhere cares for her life more then his own.

-Well let’s keep moving, we have to get out of here, he said.

That was then now is now, she couldn’t possibly do that since this man wasn’t one of those stupid beast, he would still manage to hit her even if she leaped over him. Just when things seemed bad, they got worse, from the corner of her eye she could see that more people were climbing up the mountain towards them and some were coming down on them from the mountain top. She couldn’t possibly the two near her, let alone all of them, she was afraid, she was afraid to die…

Then she remembered something else, that one time her friend, the magician ever got wounded. It was when they were looking for volcanic rocks to make magic rocks she ran into a Bain, she knew they were very dangerous but something she didn’t know was that it wasn’t an average Bain, it was a pack leader…She thought she could kill it and so she rushed towards it, kunai in hand, her shadow following her with a kunai as well. Just as she was about to hit one it charged at her, the resulting impact didn’t bother the large dog at all but she, on the other hand, broke three ribs and an arm. She couldn’t help but moan in pain, the Bain came back at her and opened its large mouth, clearly going to attempt to eat her whole. She looked away and thought about how stupid she was as she closed her eyes, waiting for the blow that would end her life. The blow never came, the only thing she felt was a strange, warm liquid dripping on her chest…blood. She opened her eyes and looked up, it was him, he knocked the dog away from her with a single hand. A second after, he had an arrow notched and shot at it, not a sound came out of it’s mouth as it died from the arrow, it went right through its heart. She didn’t remember what happened afterward, she fell unconscious and when she woke up, she was lying in a bed and she wasn’t hurt anymore. She looked around for her friend, he was fast asleep on a chair next to her bed so she went back to sleep.

She made up her mind…she’ll trust him even if it costs life her…

-Alina duck!

I’m so sorry for the wait I had a rough week and I didn’t have time to write, I’m so sorry.

4 thoughts on “Seraphim’s Tear Chapter 1”

  1. OOOOOOOO. I LIKE THIS STORY. But you might want to revise your sentences. There are many run-ons. 😮 Btw, use semicolons! (and commas)Yay. :3

    “Just as she was about to hit one, it charged at her, the resulting impact didn’t bother the large dog at all; but she, on the other hand, broke three ribs and an arm.”

    Other than the errors, the story’s caught my attention. ^o^

  2. Iirika said: “OOOOOOOO. I LIKE THIS STORY. But you might want to revise your sentences. There are many run-ons. 😮 Btw, use semicolons! (and commas)Yay. :3

    “Just as she was about to hit one, it charged at her, the resulting impact didn’t bother the large dog at all; but she, on the other hand, broke three ribs and an arm.”

    Other than the errors, the story’s caught my attention. ^o^”

    I copy/pasted it from Word and I don’t know why but a lot of stuff got messed up in the process so I had to look all over for errors and it seems like some got away, sorry.

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