Diary of a White Knight, part 7

Deceptive hope.

June 26, Florina Beach.

I wonder when I should tell her…or maybe she will know when the time comes…


-Good morning sleepy head.
-Good morning.
-Come on we’re going back to Lith Harbour.

Good thing Valen had some hammocks around his shop, he loaned two to us for a fair price. We went back to Henesys and went to the Free Market, I brought Gina to Room 6, an empty room.

-Why did you bring me here Leo?
-Well…I have some things I want to say…
-I’m listening.
-You know, I have not known you for long, but I really like you.
-I like you too, you’re really nice.
-I guess.
-It was a compliment…
-My apologies.
-Oh whatever, just keep going.
-Well, as I was saying, we have spent a lot of time together and I during that time I have been very fond of you. Now all of that fondness blossomed into what I want to give you now as…love.
-Aww, that’s so cute.
-This might be awkward, but do accept an engagement with me?
-I do.

I took out a little box I have been keeping with me the past few days, a Golden Ring, I opened the box and offered it to her. She took the Ring but kept it in her pocket.

-Let’s wait for the Wedding before I wear it.
-I’ll go around telling everyone I know about our engagement he he.
-I will make preparations for it then, when do you want to be wed?
-Let’s see…the second of July maybe?
-If that is what you want…
-Well I’m off then!
-See you later.

I have…six days left.


This one took a while…painful memories? =X

Too bad for me I guess, by the way…this Diary is half fiction, half reality.

6 thoughts on “Diary of a White Knight, part 7”

  1. There isn’t that kind of romance you would normally expect.
    It’s straightforward and lacks emotions.

  2. Hey, I didn’t want to remember that stuff, I know it’s WAY too ”straightforward” and I honestly apologise for it, I just couldn’t bring myself to remember the details,

    And, you have no idea how freaking nervous I was back then, >_>

    Overall, it took me around 20 minutes to do what happened here in a few seconds. -_-

  3. Double post, sorry.

    I said these were painful memories and that it was half fiction and half reality.

    You can’t honestly expect me to tell you everything that happened, you don’t know how hard it was for me to write this one in the first place,

  4. You could add more such as how the people acted, instead of just noting down their conversations ie were they nervous, excited, etc. and how that reflected in their body language/speech

    [edit] sorry if I was being too harsh/insensitive, I forgot this was partly true ;-;

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