Storie-part 1

lol mi other story failed i think…still waiting for comments or ppl who liked it =/
dont frgt to comment on whether u liked it or not!

[1]~~~Part One~~~[1]

“Oh, hello chris.”said Sera.
“Hi, um, your sister wants to use your mirror…so, if….” I said.
“*sigh*When is she ever going to help me folding the laundry!”
Sera handed over the mirror, and exclaimed,
“Wow! Youve grown alot! How old are you now?”
“9” I said proudly.
“Well i guess you will have to go to victoria island and find your job, now.” Sera said
“Yep. In fact, im going next week, so I have to pack.”
“Ok then, come back when you’ve all grown up, kay?”
I climed down the ladder, leaving Sera to do her laundry, gave the mirror to Heena, who gave me a few mesos. I walked home slowly, reflecting upon myself.
I was born on June 12th, 1997, with a loving mother and father. I had barely turned 9 a few weeks ago. Now was the time for boys and girls like me to go to the famed victoria island, and find our jobs. A few late bloomers barely made it at 10, and some, became 11 without getting a job. I had thought over what I wanted to be carefully. I was already too late to become a magician, for they went to Vic Island at age 8. Warrior’s needed to be buff and strong (not me). That left Archer, and Rouge. Archers were cool, but the idea of throwing pointy stars and wearing cool dark clothes was more attracting, so I had decided on being a Rouge, and someday, an assasin. I looked around, and saw all the familiar faces. I had lived and prospered here for 9 years, and I was sad to be leaving. I saw Pio, the recyclist, and the sailor biggs, and more. It was going to be sad to have to leave.
Suddenly, a sharp cry snapped me out of my reviere.
It was my 2 brothers, Sean and Todd, and my sister, Jenny, running at me full speed, ready for a bear hug.
“Rawr!!!”I yelled, scooping them into my arms, and carrying them into the house.
“Welcome back son” Father said.”Continue packing, and when you finish, come help your mother in the kitchen”
“Ok dad”
I jolted upstairs into my room, and started to pack.
I put in all my worldy belonging, namely my extra sandals, T-shirt, pants, underclothes. Then, my most prized possesion, my Fruit Knife I got from Biggs for doing some errands for him. The blade, was sharp, a result of my keeping it very clean.
The week slowly passed, and finaly, the day came.
I ate some breakfast, and made a one last check in my room, making sure I left nothing behind, and ran out. My family walked to Southperry. There I met Captain Shanks, who would see my safe passage to Victoria Island. My father paid for my ticket, as I only had some 8k mesos.
“Ok, hand over the 150 mesos first…”Said Captain Shanks.
My father handed it over.
“ok! lets go”
As I boarded the ship, my younger siblings started bawling. Even my mother was having a hard time keeping her lower lip straight. Only my father remained impassive throughout all this.
“ALL ABOARRRRDDDD” a sailor yelled.
The ship lifted off into the air as a bird lifts off from the ground, taking me from my beloved home, Maple Island, to the mysterious and exciting land, Victoria Island. I waved farewell to my family, and they waved back. I disappeared into the setting sun’s horizon.

To Be Continued…..=P

4 thoughts on “Storie-part 1”

  1. wow i just realized that was kind of short compared to other really good ones,

  2. Liked the story don’t know why i do just do =D. keep up the good work kids.
    P.s. Yay fighters BOO supernewbies.

  3. Well, I thought the first conversation about the mirror was dull, But as I read on I get hooked! Strange hu?
    I think you made #6 on my blog!

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