Out there with an iron will,
Out there to quench the thirst and kill,
Fighting to avenge a wrong,
Fighting to prove that we are strong,
Of enemies, we have no need,
Of allies, we pay no heed,
Our enemies pulses are weak,
We watch as their blood will leak,
Alone, we are savage,
United, the lands will be ravaged,
Mercy is a weakness that we will not extend,
And so we fight until the final, bitter end.
– Doctrine of the Tauro
What does it all mean?
These are the teachings of the Tauromacis and the Taurospears. They are trained to be deadly, mindless killers, and little else.
Lol. You’re crazy.
Gah! How long does it take to see that I am insane? XD
Gah! I think it took a long time.
But then again, everyone on this site is insane. ><
Everyone crazzyy. Except the occasional newb, but he/she is quickly assimilated. XD
Would have been better if you made it longer.
I still like the good, old four-line per stanza poem. ^^
Awwww for two seconds I thought I was popular. Thanks for killing my joy Epic. >.>
P.S. good poem. lol
P.S. good poem. lol”
Lmao, me too.
Then I realized that. . . it wasn’t about you after all.
I’m not crazy!
Resist! Resist! Let your inner sanity take over!
*looks in mirror*
Okay, maybe I am crazy.
Yay EpicTales! I haven’t seen you in forever! Actually it’s only been like a few weeks, but that’s ok!
-=The Nazgul=-
But then again, everyone on this site is insane. ><“
So true.
Well, I tried? ^_^
Four line stanza is hard, eh.
P.S. good poem. lol”
Is it too late to say that your name was an inspiration for this poem? ^_^
Lmao, me too.
Then I realized that. . . it wasn’t about you after all.
Lawl XD
Resist! Resist! Let your inner sanity take over!
*looks in mirror*
Okay, maybe I am crazy.”
You know if you’re insane if you don’t see your own reflection. DX
-=The Nazgul=-“
So true >.>
Remind me to read your stories, I’m so starved for a fanfic. Actually, I haven’t read one in a long time. Maybe I’ll write my own, some day in the future
great poem
-=The Nazgul=-
It’s quite gory o.O
That gave me goosebumps, heh.
Beautiful isn’t the right word for this but whatever. I’m not in the mood for thinking.