Thou shall not laugh.Or green.
The title says it all.
Attempt Number One.
(4th job skills ss included!)
How to play this blog game ( by reading it )
If you laughed or turn green with envy while reading anything inside here,you loose!
The rule is simple right?
What counts as a laugh?
-Smiling with teeth exposed
-Rolling on the floor (Please dont do that you will scare little kids 0_o)
-Becomming insane (Dont do that either)
-Face is flushed red /and wet with tears (I dont think this blog will be THAT funny > >
Whats counts as turning green?
-Feeling green
-Being green
-UH i ran out of ideas (randomly fills something inside here)
People are interesting.
I mean,when you party someone,you usually check the person’s level and job.And many once in awhile a sneek peek at equips to see what kind of built they have.But no,people have to be interesting.
How to identify low dex,pure luck,normal and lowstr pureluck dits and mits –
Lowdex – Obviousely the person would be using a level 70-80 weapon;most proberly a scrolled overall/low level scrolled top and bottom set;and should have a pink cape (since they are lowdex = funded = should have a decent cape)
Pureluck – Wearing low level hats,most proberlly a brown bamboo;dexless/strless weapons such as mushie,luibei and maple wagner;and should have a pink cape since they are funded
A lowstr pureluck dit?
Very obvious.
A fan weapon,like duh,and a luk overall or a str top.
Just today,one person in the free market traded me trying to sell off her above adverage clean dragon tails to me.And i was like 0_O i am pureluck low str darling.And she hurridly went off.And she was’nt the 1st to trade me and sell me something that requires alot of dex.(I seriousely dont look like a of a lowdex built!)
Another one traded me some time back trying to sell me this lv40 female bottom,which had 11dex 2luck.
He too mistook me as a lowdex built. (again? > >But since i had eona,who was lowdex,i was curious about the bottom.
15m he says.(Its cheap aready,even if its female and not eazy to sell)
But i am pureluck!If i wear it,i need a godly dex cape and dex hat!I dont need dex! (That was my excuse to bring down the price >D)
I didnt know it was female and bought it! D: he desperetly replys,hoping that i would buy it.
Not hoping,rather praying.
In the end,i bought it for 12.3m.Cute eh?
Today,another fella mistook me for a low dex dit again > >
The smexie bargain.
Oh yar!While i was training at squids, (with refrence to above) this fellow ranger came along and asked us to spare her some squid ink. (I previousely stocked up like 800 of them to sell them off when 4th job came,then relised there was no big demand. D: thankfully no big losses) I bargained with her.Her sharp eyes buff for my 51 squid inks.And omg it roxs!I could do 13k assults,and even hit 3.8k [url=¤t=Maple0032.jpg] salvage with criticle! How i miss criticle!
I think hers was level 10: MP – 29 / 100 seconds / 5% chance (criticle) / +20% damage / 400% Range
After levling,i went to ludi to cash in my ‘N E X O N’ alphabets for devil scrolls.
:3 100 red bean sundaes sold for 350k in less then 10mins in my shop
>O 15 mithril ores?? At least they are mineral type so i can use them for the mass making of moonrocks or something (has over estimated 100 moonrocks++,sold many for 500-600k each,now left 50+ ) ._.
._.” 10% … bottom def? D:
I got board so i quickly transfered most of my cash and equips to my mit,then went to clockboss.
In my 1st try,the clockboss suddenly dispseled us before casting a magic attack.
The dk was too slow to respond and hb us in time,therefore 2 night loads died. (Of which one is me)
Having only the dk and one 9x mit left,with a 9x priest healing them,they could not down the clockboss.
Meanwhile while they tried to kill it aniway (lol waste pot) while me and the other nigher lord that died reformed party.We added serveral people and that dk ( >O ) and went clockbossing again.
Body 1 down.
Body 2 50% hp left.
A mit died due to lag.
I died because i hasted myself just as the thing floated through me > >
Then the boss died. D:
Sad to say i couldnt see any of the drops except for mass bags of mesos.Interesting rite?
Oh and this happened in the middle of all the drama.Bewear! >D
How to do 4th job advancement short version-
Be lv 120,go to elnath and talk to your 3rd job adv instructor then go to your 4th job instructor.
Hunt 2 bosses for the heroic star and penteon(which is not really that eazy) or buy a scroll of secrets for 10million and exchange it with the chief for the items.Go back to your 4th job instructor and voila!
You will be given 3 basic skills,all max level 10. (Means you can only put maximum of 10 skill points in each skill).The maple warrior skill,once formally know as maple hero,will not be in your skill inventory but in your use slot.Double click it and vola it passes like a scroll (its 100% pass) and be added to your skill inventory!(Max level 10 too)
How to max a skill (IF I AM NOT WRONG IT GOES LIKE THIS)
You will have to hunt / do quests to get your STORY BOOKS,which teaches you the BASIC part of the skill (Max level 10)
Then you will have to hunt SKILL BOOKS and scroll them in order to raise their maximum level.
My night lord was granted poision claw as one of the 3 skillbooks given.It’s max level is lv 10,and its overall max level is lv 30.Since i aready have the basic lv 10 skill,i need a poision claw skillbook that grants me level 11-20 max level poision claw.If scrolling it is a sucess,i will have a max level 20 poision claw skill.In order to totaly max this skill maximum level,i will have to get a poision claw skill book that grants me level 21-30 max level posion claw and scroll it.
Even if i have a max level poision claw,it will NOT be MAXED unless i appoint 30 skill points to it.
(Uhh you get it? > >
link –>4th job skills and info.
Storm Of Arrows (SOA)
Sharp Eyes
Freezer(Its on the left.Very faint)
Quantum Explosion
Ice Demon
Quantum Explosion with shekrel or wadever you spell it sword
Protect Tyrus to hunt for some skillbooks in EL NATH pq
Blizzard 1
Blizzard 2
The 20m hog is actually an equipment 0_o
Eona hunting 6 ninjas in attempt to make them her own Ninja Storm skillbook
A new LORD is being crowned >D
Scrolling maple warrior.100% sucess rate.
The hog family!
Dots i almost died in the process of making this blog,because i left myself in the middle of the going to take off ship ride to orbis via ellenia,and almost forgot that i was vunerable to the crogs.I wonder how long i left myself standing there even after the ship took off because when i got back i saw two crogs flying around me.Thankfully my dragon healed me while i was gone ^^ and those 2 crogs dropped nothing! >O
Coments please!
If you laughed,imput [IlaughedD:] before comments.
If you turned green,imput [Iturngreen!>O] before comments.
At the very top, before the real beginning of the blog, where you were listing the rules, ahaha.

At the very top, before the real beginning of the blog, where you were listing the rules, ahaha.
Ty for reading the rules
I read the entire blog. I almost made a smirk, but I kept on closing my eyes and breathed deeply.
OK I didnt read the entire blog. Felt lazy.
I didn’t laugh.
Yar, I grinned.
I win.
I think o_o I forgot the rules halfway through.
Potato, I win too.
Gratz on 4th job ^^
No prizes for winning >D
And tks assult.
I cried.
Be level 120. Tick.
Talk to 3rd job instructor. Tick.
Find the 4th job instructor dude.
Where is he? >O
Leafre? >>;
I violently slaughtered my dog. Is there a prize for that?
A free arrest for animal abuse ^^
i didnt laugh, sorry Eona, but i sure enjoyed the blog