The Lamers That Sells Fish.

Well what can i say?
Another zakum adventure blog!
(You know wad i mean by fishmongers)

The Sabo Monger – osilverhawko
Sabo in singlish means to backstab something.
Well,i waited pretty long and managed to be squad leader.
But many people wanted their friend to be squad leader,and seeing there were so many of them,i just pass my duties to them.(No point entering because no1 will enter aniway)
Was expelled.
After a few changes to the squad leader,they went in,without me :1
So..ok just afk here and do your maple fan art picture while you wait aimlessly for 3hours+
Then megas came.
Someone from inside was hacked.
And due to that,that batch decided to go out and re-enter again.
This time,after 3 squadleaders passed on their duties,i got to be one again.
My party was presurising me to kick some people so they could get in,
so i randomly kicked 3 people.
I didnt know,seriousely,that ‘expell a member of a squad team’ = to kick one off and suspend them from the batch.
So nice i hit a jackpot with 1 of the 3 person i expelled.
A female mage class hotshot who spammed ‘VERY NICE ARH NOW!NEXT TIME I SEE YOU INSIDE STRAIGHT KICK U’

I just went in,hoping that some people will come in.
Not many did.
So i frantically pmed gms for help,in the most pefectic manner.
Well u read the stuff in the ss.
And fyi the gm didnt bann him.He was powerless to do so or something like that.
(Got alot of people sabo the batch INFRONT OF THE GM,and if u read 1 of the ss,the gm himself said that he showed himself as a warning,but still people continue to sabo the batch.Whats the point in showing yourself???)


The Greedy Monger – IdFusion

I started my day off buying (for $6.20 ._. gheese waste $ nia) a 24h 2xexp card and 24h 2xdrop rate and mesos card and went off to hunt kentasures for about 2 hours.
End result : Alot of ect to npc,no equips,36% gained.No $ earned.
(D: i wanted a blue marine / red craven!)

Then as i repoted an excited cry came out from within the guild chat.
‘Eon!faster come zakum!now very little people!’
And so i did.
And it took me about 15mins,
i had to like exfer ALL my zakum pots from my storage to me,then rushed 2 buy a 198k deadmine scroll and run all the way to the door of zakum.

Well if you play maplesea,you will know this guy.
His name is IdFusion.Lv 145 hermit/
If i am not wrong he is the current owner bought that charater for over 1 THOUSAND singapore dollars(Its either igfusion or idfusion) (its in the newspapers btw)
Well he became squad leader and partied me.
(We were in the same party a few days ago,when i was squad leader.Sadly i died because the priest failed to heal me on time and she got helmed ._. it suxs rite?And if you were to say ‘hey you should have self pot then’ well i must let you know : I was bombing that zakum..That body 2…I am helpless in darksight as i drop mesos to be bombed later.So duh,its the priest’s dutey to keep me alive.And i died at body 2 1cm hp left)
Aniway back to the present.
Since i partied with him before,he added me to his party.
The arms went down pretty fast.
They went down like within 3 secs of each other interestingly 0_o

Then off to body.
There were at 1st 3 bombers.
But 1 dc at arms stage.
Body1 was ffa,meaning free for all.
Bombers begin their work of art at body 2.
Well,the 2nd bomber died because she somehow ran into the zakum body ._.
Left me.
Well,base from the past expierence (the one where the priest killed me)
i wasted 1.5m+ pure mesos for nothing.
Not that 1.5m is alot to me,it just suxs using it and then die and see it benefiting other people.
One lv 70 crusader offered to donate $ to the bombers.
Well,idfusion got to him 1st,and took the 5million donation,saying to him that ‘since i,the bomber is in his pt,he should get the $’
But hey,he cant bomb it!
And if you didnt know
P U M P K I N S P E A R? ._.”
Aniway i was trying to get the 5mill from him,but he refused,saying that he will give it to me later.
Whats the point?I need money to bomb to damage,and hes hogging it.
Well its pretty obvious what he is going to do with the money aniway.
Keep it,wait for that low lv 92 cdit to die once she had bombed enuf (with her own $),and keep the spoils to himself and his friends.
He for god’s sake,is lv 14x.
And he can slack in zakum and do nothing,and then try to force me to bomb the zakum when he has the bombing money?
Aniway he talked so much,i quited his party because he was very unhappy that i would not bomb.
Alot of people died by then,and i was the only chance killing the zakum. (Not lying here)
Well needless to say,with a mesos guard that lasts for 33 seconds and a base hp of 2.5k,
i would die if i got skilled lock,the me expired,and zakum drop big flaming bolders that does 3.6k damage.
Thankfully i survived 2 of that scenirao.
Then i was frantically searching for a gm.
Because that idfusion was begining to threaten me.
But to no vail,none was contactable.
And i died trying to pm them,so.

Well,the few people left inside went out shortly after,no point spamming pots because the only hope just died,partyless and vunurable.
Well,id had something to say to me.
If hes the guy who spent 1k sg real life money buying a char,he is sure stingy when it comes to 5million mesos,worth around $5-$7.50 in maplesea.
Even if he is not,whats 5m to a 145 hermit?Hermit earn mesos fast.

He even asked me to give him 1 eye of fire,in which i did ._. and now i m in his blacklist because i died because he wouldnt give me that 5mill to bomb 0_o
Why wont i bomb my own money?It takes (some people say) 45m to kill body 2 and 3 of zakum.Aniway even if i DID used my money,i will be the ONLY ONE attacking the zakum,while at the same time risking my life as the priest decides my fate.
(If you see the 2nd ss,lolli of incendiary is inside there too!)
I cant imagine a KID that bought pixiles for 1k sg dollars to come ks me though.Even if he did,i be laughing my head off in pure entertainment and god knows wad else.


Please give me some luck for xmas since i am dry on it D:
and get rid of fishmongers,

6 thoughts on “The Lamers That Sells Fish.”

  1. Oh yar poor lolli dced at arms.
    And 3 people have aready tooken note of me not 2 add me to their zakum batch,like they will add me in the 1st place aniway.

  2. o.o;;

    That. . . really sucks x.o

    I would fail as a CB because I am perpetually short on mesos. XD

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