Got brain?
That would be the typical singlish way to say it.Dont ask why but singlish is like a contagious disease that spreads among even literate people.
Well,over this past week or so,I been noting how strange and weird people can be on a online multiplayer game.Come laugh over the lames of how some people just dont use their poor brain of theirs.
[ Lets see how F A T you are!! ]*
For example,a lv 23 thief classed sin is hogging one entire map,which comprises of 7 big platforms. You are merely hogging the bottom 2 lanes which has lower levelled mobs and she,who is taking the rest of the land,can come over to you and ask you to cc.When she realised that I wasn¡¦t going to do as she wished,she tried a different method to get me off her map.Which was ji ji bai cc pls (ji bai is a chineese vulgar meaning the lady¡¦s private part) Now,I was thinking in my head,what kind of person say ji bai,cc and please in one sentence?That girl just did.I mean common, would I really cc if you called me that even if you said please?That please wont be even meaningful after all.And yeh she got a mini ks war
[ Stupid Questioners ]*
Why are you here?
Remember the times where people ask you frequent lame questions like,why lvl 10 go ship? (referring to orbis shipride) If they asked me that question,in which I was asked that before,I would reply,I cant?I get a lot of those lame why are you here questions while mushmuming too.I cannot be here?0_o If you are a guy in a ladys bathroom, then that question wouldnt make you look stupid.
[ Thy greedy, Cunning and Common-sensed ones ]*
You all remember how I recently got a hwabi from crogs rite?I got board after putting it in my shop for about 2 days and no one was offering for it nor buying it to see what the reaction was.So for fun,since the patch just ended and there was very few people in the area where I was about to open my shop.So,using 2 comps,I put the hwabi on the top part of my shop for 1 mesos,along with 1 60m,1 55m,3 30m and 1 20m scrolled eq,as long as several equips and scrolls that was reasonabally priced.
Type 1.The majority.
These people will come into the shop and comment OMG what I MISSED THAT WTH?Thats ok. ( X More then 5 People)
Type 2.The Commonsense-LESS.
They are the kinds that go in and say OMG NOOB YOU STUPID ARH PUT 1 MESOS NIA?Well,they are the stupid ones themselves. I mean,if I can have reasonably priced scrolled equipment that are not cheap,do you honestly think that I wouldnt know the price of a hwabi? ( X 2-5 People)
Type 3.The green wasabi
Why a wasabi?You know,its green, for jealousy .And its super spicy, to represent hot.Not the cool kind of hot.I met a really interesting one.Upon seeing,this girl called her bls to come and see the hwabi,and made various rude vulgar comments out in the open while sitting beside the shop.She was obviousely jealous,and I kinda watched her spam nonsence 0_O and such while waiting for my youtube video to load on my other comp.
Type 4.The smart ones.
These people,we must love!!If not love,then at least cherish. They use their brain,and figured out that I bought it myself,or assumed I had a friend to buy it for myself then returning it back. ( X 2 People )
Thats how much you are going to learn about people and their common sense by using a simple hwabi and a shop.
[ The ChangeChannel Robot ]*
Dont you hate it when you were just walking past without the least bit of intention to hit a mob when you hear that irraitating 2 letters?Some people just utter it so convinently as if it was like breathing.
I was mushmuming with lolli but in different channels when he called me over to ks. Apprantly,apart from him,were a 13x ice and light arch mage and a 12x bishop.When I got there,the bishop automatically asked me to cc,as well as the rest.I ignored,till it got ignoring.I replied him the usual way as how I reply to people who asked me to cc at mushmumThis is boss,so its ffa,dont you know that? And he replied again with his ccing shyt.So from that point on,I decided to ignore entirely,and thats when he decides to insult the guild.
The ice n light mage whispered me,and told me he was there before us but not before the bishop,and wanted to cc in the 1st place until he cannot stand that bishop and decided to stay.The mm came and I won it as usual,and the bishop got lame.
I will mega your guild!Tommorow see!
What kind of lame 12x without his own guild and aready made himself look so stupid in front among other 4th jobbers would think that that pathetic thing you call a excuse would work on me?Plus,I AM the gm,WHAT CAN YOU DO!? *evil chuckles*
The 3 of us ganged forces and defamed that moron,while doing so,lolli SNUG OFF TO SLEEP WITHOUT TELLING ME >O !!
[ Bargaining Cheapoes ]*
Who dosnt love bargaining?After all,it dosnt hurt to mumble a few words and save some money on something you want!But the kind I feel really lame,as you will see below,are people that try to sweet talk you into buy/sell an item of theirs.
It is the era where rice cookies esist in maple sea and gave low lv maplers godly amounts of exp.In the market,they were sold for 15k. (at that period of time I was at) A girl,spamming in the free market,is offering a deal of trading her cookies for steelies,valued around 4m at that time.I traded her,telling her that she could just sell me the cookies,and use that money to buy her steelies.Its the same right??She says ok,and charged 20k??? each.I was like what you see all around you!Everyone is selling theirs for 16k-17k.Then she starts with her lame story.Its my birthday tomorrow you see,you pro la buy pls.What kind of excuse is that?I was itching to reply ¡¥Oh wow!Tomorrow is me,my parents n siblings n grandparents n cousions n pets birthdays and (blablabla) so can you give me your live? but hell I couldnt be bothered.
[ Lurkers and Stalkers ]*
These are noobs that stalk places like the fm,towns and shiprides,throwing their pride and dignity and shaming themselves by begging for money or items.If you give something to one,that one will continue and never learn.Like what Lee Kuan Yew said from a source in my social studys book 0_O (DONT SUE ME PL0X D: ),Give a chap a golden coin and he will be asking you for one the next day.You better teach him how to make a silver coin or you will be in big trouble (I forgot the back part ._.).Plus,how would you know that that person is really poor?I could strip butt naked and say MESOS PL0X I GOT HACKED D: and get mesos too!And the stalkers?They never leave your side for awhile after you drop your stuff out for whatever the reason is.If one were ever to loot me while I was transferring items with 2 comps,they get a automatically 2 defames at the same time straight.And if they decide to linger,they get even more Cos I find it amusing ^^ LOL
[ Miss-Spellers and Brainless Twits ]*
I cant spell but please dun make fun of it D: *bows*
You know sometimes people leave comments in your shop?Well,some would occasionally leave a rude remark such as ¡¥NOOB your things are so ex!¡¦ or something like that.One day if I am really pissed,I am gonna reply that with a ¡¥Well its not ex,its just that you are too poor! And the mis-speller?There was once a lamer left a rather funny rude comment that failed to do its perpous.
nob la u suc
WTH is that?Nob?He cant even spell noob properly!Let alone Suck!
Please for god sake,don¡¦t insult someone if you cant even spell that insult!If not the joker will become the fool.
It seems eon finally got a fan that thinks like her!
1234 and 6? D: Well close enough!
Incendiary,the compilation III
Eon is talking about how her pet hamster died and that she got a new one the next day.Her 65th hamster
Now: I can imagine you all as my pet hamsters >D
DragonsinXE: ):
iPrata: > > (Why is everyone using MY < < faces? D:
Now: *Takes out tiny collars n sunflower seeds*
DragonsinXE: Hide meh in yr bra
dragonsinXE: Huh wut?
Now: I dun think hamsters have bras
DragonsinXE: No,yours!
Now: but female hamsters should have many breasts though
iWhatever: Lets bet how long the master will last!i say 1 day under eona¡¦s care
iPrata: Hamster or master?
iWhatever: Hamster* The master¡¦ll last a long time,wait maby 1 days abit to long.
Remember iSell is Eonas xmas tree harverster.Dean just log in and eon decides to poke fun of the iCraze
iSell: iSellDeanies (referring to dean,who is in his mage)
zxdeanxz: I sell eon panties zzz
iSell: 0_o soiled or clean? *glowy eyes*
zxdeanzx: Soiled 0_O
iSell: OMG HOW MUCH!!! >o <3<3<3
zxdeanxz: Clean one can get from departmental stores lolx.1 mesos ea
iSell: Chey,you got what colour?
zxdeanxz: Pm eon ask her wat colour she have u w8,k?
iSell: she off9 le
zxdeanxz: yarlors sadded
iSell: D:
zxdeanxz: W8 she on9 I ask
iSell: ./cries
Darky logs in and tries to disturbe eona while she was in the middle of registering into a zk squad
darky543:Eona if you reply you are (i4gotwhat) beautifull and tall.
Now ignores for awhile then got abit annoyed
The reply -> If I miss this batch,we will see whos dead,covered in blood and squashed.
Who¡¦s a mmo-er in the guild?!? Lets see
*I think I was talking about how the mmo finest of the month has been there for more then a month,in my eyes.*
Now: the wait arh I 4got e name
Now: the mmo finest? (I for got what it was called and suddenly rembered)
Repty: who else from mmo?
Now: hmm theres silver like DUH so obvious and I am not sure le
Repty: I know ._. what about that eonagm person? XD
Now: me la duh,actually eonagm is not me.its my genetically mutated hamster that runs that account 0_O
Repty: Hamster?
Now: Yeh
Repty: Why hamster?
Now: *Makes convising squeaky noises*
Repty: in other words your voice? (he was referring to how silver describes my rl voice as squeaky [I WILL KILL YOU SILVER!])
Now: *furious squeekin noises in e background*
Now: Genetically mutated hamster: Off with you human scum!It is I, Eona gm!! Lol.
Repty: I see scum or rather I don¡¦t see.
Now: gmh:this is a online game,how do you expect to see meh? >O (gmh for short)
Now: gmh: ./bitesrepty
Repty: bites back
[b]Now thinking back,I should had counter that with Would YOU bite a genetically mutated hamster? 0_O
If you bit one before,tell me what happened to you![/b]
I dont understand why certian stuff are replaced by Yen signs n wadever signs those are 0_o” Anyone have a idea? 0_O”
Update: it seems that my apostrophe signs are being converted into wierder signs.
No, I don’t have brains.
I used to have dwarf hamsters.
How do you function without one? 0_O
And why?
Thats so sad D:
About the hamsters, I mean.
And I liked the part about selling Hwabis for 1 meso, but really buying them yourself o.O
I mean. . . seriously. . . it’s not like putting the Hwabis in there for 1 meso could be a typo.
“Dude. Did you say you sold the spear for 1 meso?”
“WHOOPS! That was a typo! I really meant 23mil!”
I said I bit you didn’t I ? Aren’t you a genetically mutated speaky voice hamster cum owner ?
WHOAH! Bad word by Repty!
What bad word D<
The second-to-last one.
Ey, wut?
Amusing =P.
I dont see how hamster n cum fit in 1 sentence.
They practice to conceive their children as fast as possible. ;D
how come nobody click and buy your 1 meso hwabi? o__O”