A short story on maple I made during class.
Spoiler! Do not read the story if you do not like unfinished endings.Also,pardon any spelling mistakes i make,i suck at spelling.And sorry if i slanged by accident!
Two razor sharp stars flew by, slicing everything in its path. A shadowy figure approaches and salvages the remains of a unfortunate snail that was caught in it’s path.
That was Eona,the assassin.
Today, she had decided to kill fire boars. A stupid fairy had pestered her to help her find her lost glass shoe that a fire boar had stolen, according to her. How could fire boars have taken her shoe? After all, they were just dumb animals .Aniway,since there was nothing to do…
Once reaching the fire boar mountain, she begins her usual killing spree. Boa after boar died as her stars of death flew. Before long, she finally found the missing shoe. It reeked of sweat and burnt ashes.
She went back to ellenia ,hunting high and low for some time before spotting the fairy in the distance. Rushing to her,Eona hurriedly gave her back her shoe .Hastily, the fairy gave her a piece of ice as a reward. The moment Eona took the ice, the fairy suddenly stood frozen for a split second as a light bulb appeared on the top of her head. Almost instantly after that weird incident, the fairy faced Eona and told her that she had lost a glass shoe.Eona ,dumb folded ,pointed to the shoe she had given the fairy a minute ago. The fairy look at the shoe and wandered off with a lost look.Eona shrugged to herself and stuffed the magical ice into her pocket. Fairies are wierd’,she though, as she went off to do more exploring.
She went to the fire drake mountains after that. She had heard from a friend that they drop steelies,the 3rd finest of all stars in maple. Hopping to add a fine set to her collection,she begin slaying drakes with high hopes of hunting one. She was glad she had the piece of ice with her.It had kept her cool from the scorching fireballs the fire drakes spitted at her.As she was about to pick the remains of a unfortunate fire drake, she tripped over something and landed flat on her face .Pissed off, she furiously look back to see what had tripped her. She had tripped over a claw weapon .Hastily, she picked it up and went over to a safer spot to examine it. It was like no claw she had ever seen. The claw was made from the highest of quality leather. The craftsmanship was astounding .She excitedly switched her current claw with the new mysterious claw. She was going to try it out when she heard thunder.
‘Oh no, thunder’ she worried. The elders had warned everyone. If it was going to rain, seek shelter immediately .When it rained, it will pore.
As she hurried back to perion,she spotted several ruins nearby. The ruins were much closer to perion,she calculated, and made her way there. She was glad she had decided to seek shelter in the ruins, as just as she hid in the ruins of a castle, it begin to pore. A nudge from behind her startled her.It was a puppy dog thingy, she was’nt sure. One thing for sure, it was gloomy, there is company, and its covered in bandages. The two snuggled together as the storm raged on.
Eona must have fallen asleep. When she woke up, the storm was over, and so was the puppy dog thingy.She hurried make her way back to perion,but ALS!A landslide had occurred and was now blocking the only small narrow path out of here. Carefully thinking between trying to climb over and venturing around, she decided she rather be stuck than a pancake.
As she wandered around the ruins, she relished that there were signs of civilization .NEW civilisation.There were scaffoldings and work tools scattered all over the place, as if where she was standing on was actually an excavation site. She felt stupid. Stupid that she had gotten into a hopeless mess…Stupid that she was shouting to herself…
‘Hello? Anybody?’
The earth from beneath her feet suddenly rumbled. Alarmed and startled, she jumps back, just as a bony hand shot up from the earth. It begins clawing the surrounding earth around it, and pulled the rest of the contents out. Several more hands and indescribable things began shooting out from the earth and clawing themselves out. It was scary and horrifying, yet interesting. Many skeleton bodies begin emerging. Several were headless; some had body parts missing.Eona, stunned with fear, and could not mutter the strength to run.
‘RUN!!!’ her mind screamed at her. But her legs were frozen stiff.
The rising of bonny decayed bodies stopped. They all stood at where there was standing and silently looked at her.
They are dead. They are rotting. They are holding weapons.
She suddenly felt that the option of being a pancake was not as bad as being stuck in a weird ruin land with undead people.
But still, her feet still wouldnt let her move.
As the staring continued,Eona heard a bark. The bandaged puppy dog thingy ran over to her, and sat obediently beside her. A skeleton nearby raised his hand, signaling the rest. Almost immedetaly,the skeletons arranged themselves neatly and bowed to her.Confused,Eona begin retreating.(Her legs defrosted by this time)
Upon seeing her retreat, the very same skeleton spoke up.
‘Do you not remember?’ it said.
‘Re..Remmmmemb..bber??…. whhha….t??…’She stammered back, shocked that it spoke the human tongue.
The skeleton faced the skeletons.
She doesnt remember
The rest moaned in response.
The skeleton faced Eona again, who was on the verge of running away from this very strange phenomena. It pointed to the claw Eona found.
That claw, was a present by the king himself it to you on your 15th birthday. Your talented skills of foresight in war and battle made you general at a very young age. You are that general that lead us into the battle. Do you not remember? he explained.
Seeing that she was lost for words, it decided to go on.
Many years ago, this place was once a peaceful rich town. That was until it came and killed our king and ruled the town with iron fists. That who rebelled or displeased him was severely punished. There was injustice .You, stood up and placed together a rebel force to rid his evil .However, we all failed, and were doom to roam the earth forever. None of us knew what happened to you though. Until today. he said, loud enough for the entire troop to hear.
Stammering, she replied but I am not her. I found this while hunting she pointed to the claw ,disbelieving what it had told her.
You are her it insisted, and from behind sneakily threw a small dagger at her.
Almost instantly ,Eona responded by casting a spider web to catch the dagger. Something extraordinary which she had never done before.
You are her it said again, Now lead us into battle and set our souls free!
Seeing that she was meant for far greater things beyond her imaginations, she agreed.
What do you think?
(if u dont get the story,imagine some1 roaming around perion and the sharangrian sth ruin areas aka guild party quest)
Its not bad apart from the spellign errors . Boa is spelled as ” Boar” .
(is hopeless at spelling,and strange,my micro word didnt correct it >O)
ooo it looks good! continue?
I think that’s because there is such a word as ‘Boa’ . That’s probably why (x
This is done fantasically with great CREATIVITY!~ Continue
Lol. You better not hand this in to a teacher, or you might get taken to the, uh, happy barn
LOL happy barn? Durr
And yeah, apart from the grammatical errors (they just, bother me D: ) it was great. I really like the concept x]
Still going all over the place with the spelling eh, Eona? XD *pokepokes*
Looks good though.
Arwen is a silly muffin too, I agree.
Post your art here! ^^
haha tks guys
i always mispelled stuff
for example today,while doing a worksheet,i wrote zylem instead of xylem (its some plant cell thingy,n i always spell it that way 4 duno wad reason 0_0)
and the teacher used my paper for reference and put it under the projecter thingy
and guess wad ._.
everyone had like a good 1min of laughing because of it.
And silver how?0_o
Hm. Just take the links to your pictures and paste ’em here. They’ll come up as links, but yeah. That’s how we usually do it.
Or you can upload it when you submit the blog. Y’know, at the bottom, they have all those boxes. . . But you need to make the pictures below 150KB though, so I always just upload to photobucket and stick the link in, it’s easier that way.