Omg the Price inflation

Look this do u think this is the most stupidest thing you ever seen. You can by these from a NPC and they sell it for alot more.

4 thoughts on “Omg the Price inflation”

  1. Actually! I think of it this way. .

    In a world where people are lazy and don’t feel like looking for stuff they decide to ask whoever has the new item. Usually they tell them but greedy people just sell it to them for a ridiculous price and it’s done! To find out later “I got scammed”. So in ruling out lazyness you would just have kept your money and gotten the item!

    Btw Noses are being sold for like 1m but the quest is re-do able (word?)


  2. sycrus there are different kinds of noses

    the ones that go for a mil are weapon attck noses

    and the chance of getting them aint all that great

    also it doesnt make them lazy

    you should think of all the circumstances

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