
Okay!!! I was overly excited when I had reached 90 hours without disconnecting [for those who are wondering I do

leave my computer on but don’t call me an energy waster because my dad has programs running that are trying to find a

cure for cancer….] and so my goal has always been to get 100 hours and see if it said something different… Anyways I

reached 90 hours and thought to myself *Take a screenshot just incase you dc* then again I did at 95 hours. And just

tonight I reached 100hours!!! and for those who are wondering, it doesn’t say anything different. Nexon stop being

nice your supposed to tell me to get a life!!!

Which leads me to tell you one time I said in a smega in Broa [You have played maplestory for 1 day(s). We suggest you get a life.]

Anywayssssss I’ll post a screenshot of the 100 hours in this blog if I can… *crosses fingers* please please work!!!

And now for my prayer to God.

“May my fate be placed in someone strong and may this prayer reach your ears. I keep faith while hoping that he really does love me. Oh honoured one please give me a sign that he actually does love me”

*pulls out quigi board, places 2 fingers on pointer, waits for it to move*

An hour later…

*Eyes popping outta head*

Day later…

*Drool puddle on table and eyelids propped up with sticks*

Dam quigi boards….

Anyways thx for letting me waste your time on this blog, leave a comment or die!

Even if it just says

“Hey your a noob, get outta mmotales”

ttyl xoxo <3 haha!

P.S. please excuse the chat box in the corner. =]

15 thoughts on “100hours!!!”

  1. Cure for cancer?

    “Hey your a noob, get outta mmotales”


    Uh, congratz on 100 hours! NOW MAKE IT OVER 9000!

  2. ShiningWings said: “Cure for cancer?

    “Hey your a noob, get outta mmotales”


    Uh, congratz on 100 hours! NOW MAKE IT OVER 9000!”


  3. *Falls over* 100 hours.
    But it isn’t as scary as if you’d been playing for all those hours, ahaha.

  4. SilverFx said: “*Falls over* 100 hours.
    But it isn’t as scary as if you’d been playing for all those hours, ahaha.

    A friend claimed he played 72 hours straight . No idea if it’s true or not xO

  5. One hundred hours, you make me look bad. I haven’t been able to play in months! Stupid college><

  6. Look how much you contributed into global warming -_-
    A large amount of electricity wasted for nothing!

  7. But for cancer! Think about all those ppl dying and he’s trying to help them D< And uhmm that guy is the one I talked bout in last blog O.o, We were talkinn again ^_^

  8. of course im sure you were afk part of the time, like sleeping, school, homework, friends and all that stuff

  9. 100 straight hours without a D/c? >_< I’m not going to even validate this with a comment,

    *peers at above* Hmm, oops.

  10. Haha I usually don’t dc cept like I started having problems with my computer where I would dc, got to a point I couldn’t even start it up so when I got the 100 hours I was on a computer my dad built ^_^ Better then mine, but thats okay he fixed mine now and I got it back today.

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