
Can someone pls help me think of a name for this story?

Angela trekked across the icy snow and glanced around. Being the protector of El Nath, she had to ensure no creatures entered it. Breathing in the fresh cold air, she sighed. El Nath had been quiet these two days. Too quiet. Something was amiss. She was hesitant but she decided to rest in her abode at the edge of town. As she turned, a piercing scream split the air. She turned around. It was a child’s voice. Grabbing her Mystic Cane, she Teleported towards the source of the sound. After Teleporting for a long while, she heard a growling sound.

What she saw horrified her beyond her imagination. She stood up, ready to avenge the child’s death no matter the cost. The White Pang cast a baleful eye at her. She had distracted him from him meal and now he was angry. She was scared but she stood her ground. The White Pang lunged. She cast Magic Claw at it. It did not hurt the White Pang but instead made him angrier.

He let out a deafening roar as a challenge towards Angela. She spun her Mystic Cane around and stuck him on his nose, then, she rapidly fired a volley of Fire Arrows. The White Pang howled in pain. As she was about to strike the final blow, a Lycanthrope hit her on her head with his massive paw. She slumped onto the ground unconscious.

Thanks, but I didn’t need your help.

You were about to die. Let us bring this Magician to our leader.

Our leader lives in El Nath Lava. He may be powerful but that is only because He lives where we are weak.

Master Zakum lives there but he could easily defeat you if he wanted no matter the terrain. You are not to speak of Him like that, do you understand?

Being the right hand man of the Master’s right hand man, your authority is obviously higher. I can’t say anything to risk offending you. I remain neutral.

You have always been rebellious. The Master is helping us achieve our greatest goal.

And what is that?

Revenge on all humans.