Partying all day, every day!

The subject I speak of is partying, and the quests associated with it!

That’s right, it was a party quest weekend for me, with new discoveries, and retreading of old ones. First up: Henesys PQ!

I got on PoisonedSoup to HPQ with my friend. He was babbling about how good the EXP was and such, but he can definitely exaggerate, so I was prepared for somewhat low rates.

Boy, was I wrong. 25% a PQ is nice earnings. Of course, not a single meso to be found, but I’m funded, so it didn’t really matter to me. The best part about it was clearly the getting-in-5-times-in-a-row thing. Over and over, like a ferris wheel or something.

Speaking of ferris wheels, I LPQ’d a bit too. Smuggling is quite nice if the smuggler isn’t crazy and all “3 TIMES SMUGGLING” on the party. Five minutes to stage 8 is <3.

I faced off against Alishar, twice! I even got a 60% XBow ATT scroll! It was a good time all around.

So yeah. That was my weekend in a nutshell. God, going back to school tomorrow is going to suck. Ah well. Anyway, the point is…

Uh, there is no point, really. I forgot where I was going with that. Oh well. Anyway, enjoy the pictures, and whatnot. So long!

P.S.: How ’bout those Pirates, eh? Broken or not? YOU DECIDE!

P.P.S: I also went to Pig Beach. Place is pretty deserted now, eh?

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