Bosses, Bosses, Everywhere!

Yes, bosses. Those big baddies, from King Slime to Alishar. They are the baddest dudes. They could save the president easily!

But I digress. I haven’t really done much since my last blog, besides level up. It was in a PQ. There wasn’t much to talk about, besides Iron Arrow.

Iron Arrow with points in it is like the greatest skill ever. How can you resist that wonderful, sleek, glowy blue arrow of death?

I led a party to kill Alishar single handedly. It was me, a level 47 wizard, and a bunch of level 3x people. It took a while, but Alishar eventually died.

And then after I leveled, I wanted to get my Icarus cape, and hopefully not get Icarus 3 (again). I flew off to Victoria.

The Owl of Minerva is a pretty rad CS item. I found some Medicine with Weird Vibes in no time!

Then I labored for a long time getting all the witchgrass thingys. Those are the worst thing ever. Honestly, I hit 10 and zero witchgrass dropped!

And then I finished, and blah blah, stuff happened.

tl;dr- I get Icarus 3. What a bummer.

But then, I soloed Mushmom again! Twice, even! It was super awesome the whole time. My heart was pumping, and I was kind of jittery, but she died. The bad news- I didn’t get anything. MM Spore and some mesos.

On the nib mage side, I leveled up and did PQs. Really. There’s not a whole lot to talk about here. Mages are boring. (at least nib ones are)

So yeah. That’s my last two weeks in a nutshell. Ta da, I guess.

So, uh, enjoy the pictures and what not. There will be another blog when I feel like it. Yes. I’m really saying so a lot.

Goodbye! Au revoir! Sayonara!

5 thoughts on “Bosses, Bosses, Everywhere!”

  1. Gratz on levelling.

    And what was that about the President? Who WANTs to save the President? >.O

    I has my own self-scrolled Icarus 2. I didn’t want to get a Nap, because I’m too addicted to speed. XD I need to max my Teleport skill ;-;

    +4 int and 10 hp ftw! ^^ Lol. And I still have 2 slots left! >D

  2. I traded an Icarus 1 for an Icarus 2 with a guild member, and then I actually got a 30% to work on it for Cape Luck. I heard that it could go for 5mil or somefin, so “insert Rod A into Slot B.”

  3. Arrow Bomb and Iron Arrow… I would’nt know. I was all like “ooh” when I got IA and not so when I got Bomb on my 2nd archer, but maybe that’s just because IA was the first mob skill I ever had. Haha.

    I have one of each Icarus cape in my inventory

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