First Coma

Hello MMOTer’s, took me long enough to remember this site….

Well, around a month ago, I fell into a state of Coma. I was walking, then something hard hit my head. . . .

Then I lost my conscience. Luckily, I was awoken and still alive, just a bit more stupid, nothing else. Anyways, in MS, I let my account rot for over a month, because of amnesia. I couldn’t rememberthis site either, except I was looking around in net and my memories returned. It’s good to be back(?) I had a good time with the lost memories….

Well, I think I’m okay now, I think I’m sane again. I still play Starcraft, Maplestory, gonna write blogs, I feel like somethings missing.

In Real Life, I got new laptop computer at school~~! Oh yeah, I heard. RP’s gone.

Anyways, my school district is holding a laptop project. It’s a school project where students get to work with a laptop computer – (iMac. . . .. but still good for writing Blogs.) To improve their writing skillz, typing skills, etc.

Maple Story IRL Dragon Knight?!

Well, recently, I’ve been making wood weaons and practice throwing and stabbing them on cardboard boxes.

I little bit sharpened an end of a two-meter wood stick, and poked(?) cardboard boxes with it.

Next, I tried to do Maple Story skills with it. Don’t call me MS freak, cuz playing outside is healthy.

I tried doing Final Attack: Spear and Polearm. Final Attack was easy to master. Slash Blast and Power strike was easier.

But Dragon Crusher was the hardest. Stabbing three times really fast, I can do two, prefectly three, if I’m lucky, but still working on Dragon Crusher.

If you’re gonna try doing this too, (doubt not,) never hit a person, it can kill.

I bought a toy bow, from a toy weapons store, and cut long slender wood sticks from a hardware store. I tried doing some archer techniques too.

I got up to double shot, but not strafe.

Anyways, my life’s been going well these days, hope urs do too. I’ll try taking pics of it later. .. .

Oh yeah, and whoever believed I had a ‘Coma’ was a fool and deluded. To find out why. . . . PM me.


15 thoughts on “First Coma”

  1. Eden, Jew isn’t a race, it’s a religion/culture. But yah, Cheeze, don’t use that as an insult >_>

  2. . . . Judaism is a religion and a culture; utilizing it as an insult is both incredibly offensive and rude.

    Failure, Cheeze.

  3. If you want to try and become a “RL Dragon Knight”

    Kung Fu should help. But that will take years.

    Itll take me at least 4 more years to even learn a weopon form.

  4. Erm, no offense Eden, but that’s rather sad >>;;

    You know you’re too obsessed with Maple when. . .

    . . . you take a kitchen knife and start stabbing snails outside.

    (Anybody want to continue?) x.X

  5. To benZON: Four years? I’ve been in Kung Fu for 1 year, and I know 5 weapons forms. O.o
    I guess you have a different system. What style do you study?

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