lvling hackers

I heard there was a kind of hack that can reduce a lvl of a person and increase it to your character. They might find a strongest guy and hack all his lvl and raise it on theirs, I think is not fair to the others because on their hard work, they gets to be a pro and they just use that kind of hacks to steal it. Oh ,and today is my birthday, 6-1-1982

6 thoughts on “lvling hackers”

  1. Eww, if that hack works then thats comepletly stupid. A hack CAN exist, it just depends on the hacker’s brain power of coding.

    Happy Birthday, by the way~ n_____n!

  2. That hack can’t exist unless the person hacks the wizet servers and changes it from there.

    The game determines the death of monsters and experience given on the server side so no client side hack will ever be able to change these values. There may be a client side hack that does extra damage to when attacking but if I were Wizet that would be the first place I would put safeguards in to look for people hacking.

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