Recipe for making Jr. Balrog steak: By Hamburger Mcdurgerking
things you will need:
Half pound of Jr. Balrog
Red Wine (Cabornet)
Bay leaves
baby carrots (other veggies may also be in)
A priest ( in case it gets you killed.)
Half Cloves of Garlic
Holy Water.
And an healthy appetite!!!!!!!!!!!!
cut up the jr balrog steak into sizes favored. (prefferably in Filet Mignon style)
rinse meat in holy water to get all the bady stuff away.
On a medium skillet place the balrog in one layer, medium heat. After it starts sizzling, put the bay leaves in.
On a thermometer measure the heat of steak. prefferably 50 degrees for medium-rare texture. The inside should be red like any other fancy steak
Add the cabornet (red wine) while cooking the meat into Medium-rare, it should give it a smooth taste.
Add in the garlic and the veggies so the steak would absorb the flavors. Once fully cooked, place it on plate, arrange it so it would be pleasant to the eye and add the bit of cilantro on top. Try a bite just to be sure. If you faint (rare occasion), a priest would be there to help you!
If it was successful (which happens most of the time), the taste should be scrumptious and you will enjoy the meal.
Chef Hamburger Mcdurgerking. (^o^)/ Banzai!
Q: I’m a priest and I tried to revive my friend who ate a piece of it. He does not wake up, what do I do?
A:Whack your friend in the head. If that does not work, call your local funeral service.
Q: Is it edible?
A: Yah.
Q: Is it good?
Q: Have you tried it before?
A: (Author looks supiciously)…
Q: When cooking it, black smoke kept on coming out of the meat. The meat turned black, what do I do?
A: You got it burnt genius.
Is that edible 0.o,
sure it is. If people eat animals, they can eat monsters lol!
drunkdaddy does have a point
nice recipe outta try out
I tried it, it tasted terrible, i fainted, My sister whacked me to wake me up
Hahah, tis cute :3 I like it, nice idea xD
Now to find out how to eat Octopus. . . o.o;;
Lol. Why not maeton instead of boring ol’ octopus?
exactly, some day people are going to run outta food in maplestory.
Eat monsters yo, you’re actually doing people a favor.
Wow, I oughtta try that. Don’t have any Priest friends, though. >.> Oh well. I’m going on a Balrog hunt!
ooh next, im making a FAQ about this.
Omg, I just noticed I need to edit this.
The formatting isnt the way I want it to be in.
what, Is it good? I nvr tried it before =( If it is i should try it! =)
i tried it and nearly fainted though i must say, the taste is, pleasing.
Hehe, maplestory food channel XD
nice blog <3