Her name was Karla~~ 5

It felt cold. Yes, this pain felt cold. My arm was flopping around when the avenger dissapated. I was losing blood. the world seemed to so blank and cold… cold. I fainted.

“I expected more from an accomplice of the infamous Karla.” the GM grinned evily. “That was almost no fun at all.”
He looked at Karla who was covered in Charlie’s blood. She looked shocked. She was crouching down, her face pail.
The other GM kicked Charlie’s head.

“…do you like killing people like that.” Karla said. Her voice was a little darker. “Is it fun?”
“Look whose talking you inhumane, huiman slaughtering b*tch.” the GM said in anger.
Karla stood up.
“People call me inhumane because of the people I’ve killed. But the people I killed were all inhumane. They were sadistic. I have a reason for every kill. IT’S YOU PEOPLE WHO ARE INHUMANE!” Karla shouted.
The GMs held their position. “Looks like she’s back from her amnesia…”

“My name is Karla. You are going to die here.” she said coldy.
“Kill us?” The GMs laughed. “You think you’re going to… ARGHHH!” Karla’s shadow partner sneaked up behind as it stabbed one of the GMs eyes with a steelie. THe shadow partner then took out the eye and held it out in front of him. She quickly charged up an avenger and blew the GM’s lower half of the body away. It made a sickening ripping sound. The next second, she threw exactly 66 steelies at the other GM. 10 in each eye, 10 in each arms and the rest shot through one of the GM’s mouth. It ripped out the adam’s apple and pierced his neck.

“Grghhjgjhgg….” the GMs bubbled.
Karla winced everytime she saw blood, she winced. She was a hemophobic (ppl who are scared of blood).
“Are you having fun yet?” Karla said coldly. Killing them reminded her of that day. The day everything changed…

Karla was 14 when it happened…
“Hey Karla! Wanna go to the beach with us?” Dan, the super-uberlicious guy in her class said.
“Sure thing!” Karla said as she smiled. She knew how to smile back then. All the guys had the hots for Karla. She was voted the prettiest girl in class. This made the other girls bubbiling with jealousy. The other girls hated Karla for her prettiness, smartness and cheerfulness. They hated her popularity. So one day, after school, 4 girls from her class asked Karla to help them clean some stuff up in the Science lab. Being so nice, Karla didn’t hesitate. But as soon as she took a step into the classroom, she was beaten by a club by one of the 4 girls in her class.
When she woke up, she realized she was chained to a wall, and she was stripped off of her clothes. The 4 girls snickered.
“Not so tough now huh?” Martha said to Karla.
“Trying to steal everything from us…” Anne said next.
“We’re gonna have some fun.” Jean said evily.
“You’re the center of attention once again.” Janet said as they all took out their red whips and began to whip Karla mercilessly. Her beautiful body was now bloody red as she cried.
“Why…” Karla sobbed. “Why do you do this to me…?”
“Because of you. Look at you, you and your pretty little body…” Martha slapped Karla across the face. “Ooh, we’re so sorry to ruin your pretty body, here lemme wash it up.” She took a bottle of asorbic acid and poured it splashed it on her body. It made a fizzing sound, it burned like hell.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! No more!!!!!!!!!” Karla screamed. The girls smiled. The boys call you hot, Janet said as she took out a cigar. She lit it up. She doesn’t smoke, she pushed the lit cigar against Karla’s breast. It made a sizziling sound as Karla screamed once again.
“Your voice pisses off all of us.” Jane said as she grabbed a piece of coal from the lab equipments. She took a fire glove as she lit the coal up.The coal burned as the girl snickered. Martha grabbed a piece of ducktape, and Janet forced her Karla’s mouth to open. They shoved the burning coal into Karla’s mouth and taped it shut with the ducktape.
“MMMMMMMMPPHHHHHH!!!!” Karla gave a muffled shriek, blood was pouring out of her mouth as she passed out.

Mario felt guilty leaving Charlie passed out. So he decided to go back when he saw Karla and a GM whose lower half has been ripped off and another GM with no neck. “MAMA-MIA!” Mario passed out.

13 thoughts on “Her name was Karla~~ 5”

  1. dude. thats wrong.
    that ruined my day
    now i’ll be contenplating the sick torture part, and the darkness in people’s hearts, and the power of jealousy
    you sadistic pervert.


  3. but still some of the parts were funny and i cleaned my girlfriend’s clothes and got her new ones and we got back together,

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