Her name was Karla~~ 11

Before Karla went to mee Meg, she decided to check up on her mother. It has been three gruesome days since she saw her, but it felt like an eternity.

Karla walked slowly into the house. The door was unlocked.
“Mother?” Karla said in the open room. She stepped to the living room, but there was no one there. She had checked every room except for one. It was the family room. She peered inside the family room and turned the lights on. The lights made a spark but then it died out. Karla thought she saw something as she took out a light bulb from the utility closet next door and screwed it on. She turned the light once more, and then she saw a hanging figure from the ceiling.

Her mother had hung herself.

Karla slowly backed away, dumbfounded.
“What the hell… mom…?” Karla looked as if this was a nightmare. “Mom…?” Karla said again, this time with more sadness. She fell to her knees and screamed. She came closer to the corpse and touched her hand. It was cold like stone. “Mother… I’m so sorry…” she quickly reported this incident to the GM.
In about 15 minutes, three GMs had arrived. Karla explained the whole situation as the GMs were taking notes.
“I have to go somewhere right now.” Karla cried. “I have someone to meet.”
“Ok, just try to get some rest okay? We’ll handle it from here.” one of the GMs smiled.
“Thank you.” Karla said as she hasted herself and flash jumped away.

15 minutes later….

“Hey, wasn’t that Karla?” said one of the GMs inspecting Karla’s mother.
“Oh sh*t.”

“We have report that Karla was spotted.” said the GM from a communicator.
The GM interrogating the girl clapped his hands.
“We’ve found her…” the GM said. “Unless you don’t tell us in about 5 minutes, you will be sentenced to death due to being te accomplice of Karla. We don’t want to shed anymore blood, just tell us.” The GM said softly.
“I… don’t know…” the girl said weakly as she puked her guts out.
One of the GMs threw an Ilbi at the girl’s chests. She coughed up blood.
“Please… I’m begging you… I don’t know…” the girl cried as tears of blood streamed from her eyes. She was at critical condition, Both her arms were burned, and 44 steelies were jabbed into her body, with blood, bruises, and burn marks on her back/ One of the GMs stuffed a regurgitating pill inside her mouth. She began to throw up massively, until her stomach emptied, and she began to rasp wildly.
“I hate to do this…” the GM said sorrowfully.
“Pl..” the girl said weakly.
The GM took out his magicodar and aimed his fire arrow at the girl’s left eye. The other GMs turned away from this gruesome scene.
“Tell us now… 3… 2…. 1…”
“I DON’T KNOW!!!!!!!!!!” the girl cried and begged.
The fire arrow zoomed passed the air, where it shot through the girl’s eye.
“YAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” the girl cried as the GMs all winced. They looked at the girl, whose left eye was black and burning.

Karla heard the scream.
“Meg…?” Karla thought as she followed the scream. The voice led her to an abandoned building.
Karla jumped at this scream. This was definitely Meg’s voice. She was in trouble. She whipped up an avenger and blew the door away.
The GMs turned too look at the figure behind them. It was Karla.
Karla lost her voice to what she saw before her. There was Meg, chained to the ceiling, naked, with steelys and ilbis stabbed all over her bloody body. Her both arms were black with burnt marks. She hardly recognized Meg’s face because of how swollen and burned it was. And her left eye was missing.
“Karla… run…” Meg said weakly.

Karla kept walking. The past ached now more than ever.

5 thoughts on “Her name was Karla~~ 11”

  1. Nice. o.0 but still no blunt darts =(, and what happened to the mario bros? there funny as hell. XD

  2. AHHH, SO IT WAS MEG, Holy god, One eye almost burnt and still can talk!? Isn’t that D*** ? Weird. Nobody could have survived that, Torture. Soo, Meg have a good will to survive -_-

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