Okay so I was reading comments from my last blog and ill promise for now on that I wont make typers on beginner and make them so short 😡 didnt know that sorry >.< well anyways here I go.
Today wasnt so bad after reaching lvl 10. Im having fun with my pet balrog and pqing at heneysys but what bothers me is people calling me the “N” Word o.o lol Im not black its just the color I chose when i made the character Originally im Asian/Filipino but It just kinda bothers me when people call me it when im training like one guy told me to get out of “his” so called map which he think he claimed but I didnt bother saying anything back cause I was doing some hardcore training . so he said he reported me for harrasment and called me the “N” word and left. Now I know how Black people feel when they are being called this word the Wrong way. : But other than that today was fun inside the Maplestory World.
On my three day weekend thanks to veterans day I stole some bikes Graffitied around bridges and schools and hang out with my friends lol, We were planning to steal some more bikes at apartments but my friend said they were all locked so we couldnt get any. The day after that More Graffiting and we went to watch fred clause :3 lol I didnt really watch through the movie just sorta sat there and made fun of it lol. on Veterans day my cousins came and tried to force me to go to there house but i didnt want to then she started threatining me to tell her parents that i did drugs which i didnt if i didnt go over so i just left and went to my friends house. Anyways overall weekend was great and I hope this is what you guys are looking for a long blog :]
You steal bikes and graffiti up bridges?
Lol. “Typers.” xD
Why isn’t it MMO World/ Rl?
Much better blog
good job =)
DUDE I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! Im filipino (full) and sometimes when i go to a high populated place like henesys or FM thers at least 1 guy calling me the “N” word because i chose tan for my skin color >_>
Sorry for the double post right now >_< My computer did some weird crap on me so it reloaded everything and made stuff 2x. I hate when that happens when im on a forum. I guess ill post something else then
Good luk with MMOs i guess 0_0
Ditto Waffle.
lol dont steal bikes!
its a dum way to get sent to juvie F3
at least go for i dunno ohlding a gas station captivre or sumthi
lol could u load ur chars in ur MMOID so we can see ur world and stuff? which do u play?
LOL im black and whenever ppl call me names i just get really sarcastic like this dude called me negra and i gave him F3 face and told
him the correct spelling is “nigra” noob. u ran around doing F4 and left me alone after that
lawl nubs F3
– Calls police –
Good Blog.