Hello MMOTians..
I guess you pronounce that.. (Em-Em-Oceans) ty MasterCheeze)
But forget that! So lets update shall we?
But first, Reason for the tittle is because I’m blogging and I’m eating apples! So it was fitting :]
I wanted to introduce somethings I thought were funny! I didn’t make these comics my brother did. So yeah! I thought they were cute. :]
This one is Simply named. “Racist”
Anyway, now that we’re done with that, it’s time to update.
So I don’t have a Z-helm just yet..
But that’s because I got lazy I got my money though I just need to level ><; other then that do my quests and that’s all..
This isn’t fully Maple Related and So I’m gonna Half n’ Half it.
See the reason I haven’t leveled is because I’ve been playing WoW but not real WoW cuz let’s face it. I’m cheap.
So it’s Private Server WoW. Not everything works but it’s still good enough to convince me to get the real thing. So yeah. That’s why I’ve been behind, after taking a few minutes out of Maple I played WoW for a few.. a Month? and Got to lvl 58! Yah, I’m cool I know! No Life FTW!
But it’s totally fun PvPing, killing Horde, Capturing Flags, Territories, and Leveling!
Yay! I think I shall buy it later ;]
But since my laptop brokeded on me I can’t play ];
So yeah, I guess Maple is my Mistress for now! But It’s still fun.. sometimes.. -cough-grinding-cough-
Switch Up! To Real Life matters! Today is My Birthday! Go Me! I am 17!! YAY!!!
-needs to do it-
Volunteers? No? okay’s.. ];
But! I can buy Grand Theft Auto 4 Now! It is 17+ right? Swish!
Time to rub it into the cashiers face. -goes gets copy of birth certificate-
I need to do that driving test thing. ];
Well that’s all my apple is getting brown ]; (Can’t type w/ one hand as fast and eat apple)
I like royal gala apples.
and Happy Birthday. 17 is the bestest age ever. No i lied.
If we pronounce “Em-Em-Otions,” it sounds like “em-em-oceans.” Maybe you it should be “Em-Em-Oat-e-uhns.”
If your blogging for apples. . .
You must be. . . A shinigami! Yes, that’s it.
You’re right Em-Em-oceans is right oh wells!
and yes Im a shinigami,
No. GTA IV is 18+
Sorry, but happy birthday.
*Buys GTA IV*
*eyes explode*
Lol, Charzard suit on a shoryu or w/e they’re called. (Cuz it looks like the neopet, idunno.)
Lol Xiaolin Showdown reference.
Lol apples make me sick.
Lol you’re 17.
Lol Xiaolin Showdown reference.
Lol apples make me sick.
Lol you’re 17.”
I think that Charizard outfit is on a Charmander.
Zomg,you are 17th on 7 may,silver’s on the 6th,and mine on 11 th0_o
My birthday is on the 12th of May. . . ;D
LULZ we sure have alot of maybabies
LULZ we sure have alot of maybabies
The Best type of People are born in May! :]
May 24th, baby.
I was born in February. The month of smexy LOVE!
Two days after Valentines. I must be romantic.