The Half Way Point

…to level 70. So, a while ago I had reached level 50. So I wanted to go suicide at Zakum. I forgot to talk to my 3rd job instructor but it didn’t really matter. I didn’t make it. I made 3 attempts to make it to zakum.

1st attempt= Died at yeti and pepe’s.

2nd attempt= Died at yeti and pepe’s.

3rd attempt= I actually made it past the yeti and pepe’s.
After that I slowly made my way past the rest of the monsters and I finally reached the Cave of Trial’s. I made it to the 3rd cave, but than got poisoned. Soon after, I landed in the lava. 200 hp per second. Than I bumped into a cerebus. It did 1.4k damage on me. Me, being a bowman, with nothing like magic guard and only around 1.5k hp,well…, you can imagine what happened.

Soon after, I returned to ludi to begin my pq’s. I pqed a ton, and eventually made my last pq. During the whole time I pqed, from levels 43-50( I think) got only one scroll. =( Cape for Dex 60%.

Random Thing: At least 5 of my guild mates thought I was a girl because of my ign, fisora. =P

After, I decided to go try Zakum. This time, I actually made it there, but I forgot to talk to my 3rd job instructor AGAIN. Later, I went to aqua road. Someone vacced all the monsters near kenta. Silly, godmoding Kenta.
I went back to vic and started to train on stone golems. I shared a channel with someone at The Entrance To Golem’s Temple. Someone had messaged me and said this( exact words btw)

Him: You better stop ksing personiwassharingchannelwith or I’ll f*ck you up.( Though, I wasn’t ksing.)
Me: o.0
Him: You think I’m lying?

After that I quit the message thing.

If you could, please defame nodexpi0x in scania for being a gay assaulter on little 12 year olds who want to play a online game for fun.

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