You guessed it, another rant

i will try to explain hackin to legits, anyways i dont care if im banned in basil…..

i dont understand how hackers drive up the price, i mean they supply the equips, etc. its mostly legits tat drive up the price becuz there is no way for them to obtain tat item, so they have to buy the item in a price probably set by a hacker in a fm store -.-, agree or disagree?
also, hackers dont have tat much friends becuz they dont want other ppl to find them and report them. sum hackers r idiots, the smart ones dont add legit friends, its kinda like survival of the fittest, stupid hackers get banned….. and u may want to know wats the point of gettin to a high lvl?
1st- its funner, due to the number of new and powerful skills u have.

2nd- ppl will respect u and be awed by ur lvl.

3rd-ur dmg is awesome, equips maybe godly, u can fund another character and can go legit becuz of all the mesos at ur disposal ( i recommend becomin a sin after u have a lot of mesos) yup, tats all i got to say.

4th- many hackers will stop hackin on a character tat has becomed lvl 120 due to no 4th advancement job, and will probably socialize becuz they’ll stop hackin for some time until 4th job comes out

5th- ZAKUM, Clock Boss(forgot the name, lol), Pianus, get my point? ull be able to take on bosses

6th- more time for urself while ur hackin, most hackers bot, so they’ll have loads of time in their hands. i agree after levelin to 120, hackers will think its borin to grind and train….

7th- many hackers will want to be high lvl in order to get nx, i personally will not get nx at lvl 1-70

many ppl say tat hackers r mean, etc. want to know why they’re mean and cruel? some r js mean, others want u to gtfo of their map, so their vac can work better…. a lot of hackers r mean also becuz they’re gonna get reported anyways, so they curse -.-

obviously i am hacker for the lil idiots tat cant tell -.- and i tend to be nice to legits if they need something like the etc. drops for quest. i HATE hackers tat dont respect other hackers, lol (hackers tat come into a map tat another hacker is in)
(Hackers side of the story)
(My side of the story)
I’m posting this on mmotales, because my friend Austin the frigging idiot(I still love ya in a platonic way….O_o), got my basil acc banned a long time ago and i quit ms, so i cant remake a new acc to chat so anyway, on with the rant. Oh, and for the hackers and people who don’t want to hear my opinion, than please click that back button on your windows…..

1. Learn about supply and demand before you try and act smart. Don’t you think its a load of bs that hackers alwaysmake the price of rare items lower. They don’t, and if thats not true, than your first point is a sack of bs.

2. Hackers don’t make legit friends because they’re scared of getting reported and banned right? Than why do it in the first place…? Think about it…..

3. First of all, funner is not a word, and secondly whats the point of playing the game if all you want are the best skills and the coolest things… I know this may be drastic, but its like a small version of life, you have to build your way up….

4. Nobody can actually respect someone, who has sat on their ass all day, and watched their character level by themselves, unless it’s another hacker….

5. I said before, you have to work your way up, and your never legit if you hacked in your life. Doesn’t matter if its a new account, or character…your hands have been stained…..

6. Is there an absoulte oath, promise that many hackers will stop hacking above 120? No, there isn’t, also if you hacked any higher than 120 than your an idiot. Don’t you think the GM’s will catch on…?

7. Don’t fight a monster until your ready for it, that includes zakum and every other monster. Who cares if its a bump in exp, for all that matters, you could all hack your way up….

8. Why be mean and angry and taking a gamble with your character, if you can live an MS life clean….

Don’t call anyone else an idiot because YOUR an idiot… and for people who have read through this and taken this into mind, than thank you. People who are gonna argue your opinion to me, I don’t give a damn how important you are, because this is MY blog, you upset about what I wrote? Make your own rant than…. Also, I don’t want any flaming -_-

And the pictures… I dunno, enjoy em (they’re on my PSP wallpapers)

12 thoughts on “You guessed it, another rant”

  1. One minute you type so horrible, the next you type almost perfect o.o

    And, I will always hate hackers, nice or mean.

    They ruin the game for others.

    And why play the game if your gonna cheat? Then don’t cheat?

    If your gonna accomplish anything, go cheat in a 1st-person game then.

    And be prepared for flaming coming your way.

    Here comes another one of those hacking phases AGAIN!
  2. That line down the middle, the bottom half of it is where i type, the top is from the hacker,

  3. Gee, Dest. Read that text that came with the dividing line. This person’s offering two points of view written by two different people.

    ‘Neways, it doesn’t matter what the hackers think. Or what we think. Everyone has reasons to justify their own actions, and we can argue till the cows come home and still there will be no settlement.

    Moving on, pl0x.

  4. lol
    has anyone asked a hacker,”Why do you hack”
    the responses are all stupid to me
    they say,”to become a higher lvl cause of better skills” and I think,”Hack all the way up to that just to see some pretty colors light up on the screen?”
    lol funny pic
    ~LaZzz. . .(mooo! ! ! ! !)

  5. for the pic-

    for teh bloggy-
    two points of veiw
    how nicely done
    and a REAL legit will not give you real respect if you have hacked AT ALL
    period pointblank.

  6. Dest1 said: “One minute you type so horrible, the next you type almost perfect o.o

    And, I will always hate hackers, nice or mean.

    They ruin the game for others.

    And why play the game if your gonna cheat? Then don’t cheat?

    If your gonna accomplish anything, go cheat in a 1st-person game then.

    And be prepared for flaming coming your way.

    Here comes another one of those hacking phases AGAIN!

    That means you hate evilstranger

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