I’m just that jesus-like!

Ahhhh, feels good to be back. On maplestory and on here! I quit maple for quite some time due to my computer being a heap of crap! But I got a brand new one, and it feels sooo good to be back. But I decided I wanted something other then a Cleric. So I started a Bandit in training. 27 right now after a couple days, not to bad, just not wanting to burn myself out already. Hahaha. Yes, once again, I’m still playing on Windia! weee, Its only because I have soo many friends that, I <3 Them All! ^.~ lol. Anyways, Just decided to drop a line and tell ya’ll I’m back! Woooo!!

~Currently Listening to : Red Hot Chili Peppers – The Righteous & The Wicked~
