outside the rules pt 1

It is teh neux seereez.

“and he that bends the reality shall create power, and ye shall follow, and have power as well, but none to match the masters” –maple history book III 10:11

He walked down through the grassy roads of Henesys, greeting people, taking off the NPC’s clothes and TP’ing them, though they wouldn’t know, they wouldn’t care, they kept rambling on about being from wizet and making unagi.

The hacker saw one of his buddies walking by. “Hi Ratch” the level 33 cleric said “Hey Tau” said the level 37 back. “Ratch guess what! I’m level 33 now, I’m going to Ellinia to buy a wizzy!” “That’s great, id come with you but im going to go…train.” He was lying through his bum, but he could convince anyone that what he was doing was normal. He went into the barber shop, there was no one there. His eyes went blank for a moment, as he was rewriting the very air around him. His Blond Antagonist turned to red catalyst, his eyes turned yellowish and slit-like, his skin became blue, his clothes changed colors. “It worked” he thought. “the disguise hack worked” he said aloud. His voice had changed. “Now I can hack anywhere…no one will know, they will never see the hacker again…or better yet they will see someone. Those who I pin it on!” He ran out, wanting to try his next test in the ultimate place for hackers: DMT

Meanwhile, back at the barber shop, something rarely seen happened. Natalie the Owner took out a communicator, the flip-top maple leaf that was for emergency only. “This is Natalie, I just saw a hacker in my shop!” the voice on the other end said “so what, well let the little vaccer get reported by some noob at the ant tunnel or something.” “no, it wasn’t like that. His hair changed colors, it wasn’t me who did it! His clothes, weapon, hair, eyes, they just.. shifted! Like he became a different person!The other end of the phone hung up, it seemed in a hurry, right after the word ‘shifted’

GM Transil turned around. “we have major problems, the books are unraveling, words are gone, chapters, paragraphs, we need the Writer here now!”
GM Arr’n gazed off into space, “the world isn’t as it used to be, Transil. We can’t just call the writer here anymore. If they can violate the Laws Of The Written Universe, we are going to have to prepare and entire new set of letters, more accurately describe the vectors of powers limited to those of the Second. The LOTWU will be effective for now, but how long?”

Transil hopped out of his chair, slid sideways, and dispatched a team of GM’s to look for red catalyst clerics.

5 thoughts on “outside the rules pt 1”

  1. thank you very much, its my first story. I thought i sucked too. Just write for a while and post. Just wait for an outcome

    [edit] 22 ppl have viewed this blog. And only one posts? if you read, suggest! everyone has something to say man!

  2. the explaining come later, in a few chapters.

    It is a combination of a few myths i have heard and and explanation about the mysteries, why do monsters drop items and money when they have no pockets and stuff like that.

  3. lol
    nice story. i like the story line
    btw writing should just be fine.
    if I quit a series everytime I didn’t get alot of feedbacks I would be having like 30 unfinished series

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