Fires in Southern California!

It’s weird being able to stare directly into the sun. It’s weirder to be able to stare directly at a crimson red sun. There are fires raging in the eastern part of Southern California. People are being evacuated and winds going at 40MPH+ are blowing ash toward the western counties.

What does this have to do with anything? I live in Southern California! My town of Chula Vista is due west of the flames, you can seriously smell the ash from where I live. My doors are banging and the news are showing such intense images. Crazy, too bad you can’t see it on Google Maps. Not that you would want to see fire in forest-level scale…

So I’ve been trying to Maple, but the winds are just so strong.. they blow flags away and bang on glass windows. Meh, its cool beans. Where are those Ice/Lite Mages when we need them?

I’ve been using my archer more and more, somehow I’m getting used to it.
Thats all for now, test to study for. Social Theory… yeesh. Marx and Freud.

15 thoughts on “Fires in Southern California!”

  1. I live in the San Gabriel Valley, so I’m pretty safe from the fires, I think. o_o

    I hope the fires get put out soon, there’s been breaking news all day with them burning so close to homes. Or at least, hopefully the Santa Ana winds die down.

  2. Join me and silver in singapore :]
    We dont have major forest fires,tsunamis ( neighbouring countries shield us ) ,earthquakes,volcanic eruption ( we are too tiny to even have a volcano ) and stuff like that.
    But if one of the above DID somehow manage to hit us,


  3. OMG.

    I live in roughly the same area as you, somewhat, and we had evacuated just this morning. And by the way, the news reports all state that the Santa Ana winds are blowing the flames westward, so you might want to watch for that. It’s totally crazy, everywhere there’s chaos. >_____>;; Good luck.

    [Edit] Whoa. Wait a minute. You still have SCHOOL? Most of the schools I know of in the SD county area are all closed down.

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