Hello, I am Dest1, another one of those MMOTalers that always go on this website. Watch me lure you into my blog with a Mastercheeze type style of trap!
But first, please admire this Adorable little baby while I feed you this tasty sandwhich that I made just for you.
Mmm, delicious, ain’t it? Apparently, since I told you of my plans, I can’t lure you in here. So i’ll use this!
*Pulls you into blog and straps you down into uncomfortable seat* Hah, that’s gotta hold them.
*Shoves computer into your face* Good, now you have to read this! *Laughs maniacally* MWAHAHAHAHAHA!
Today, I will start off my blog with a magic trick. Watch closely as I elude you, making this water bottle dissapear in front of your naked eyes.
-Plenty of gasps-
Abra Cadabra, Sazzaam Popom, Chicken Noodle Soup, Regis Philbin, ANNNDDD!!!
Oh Em Gee! Look what appeared! link
Aye, such a beauty. But we are swaying away from the real subject, a subject that. . .you all may know of.
*Chainsaw noise*
No not that!
*Click-clackers clacking*
Man, how I want one of those. . .*daydre-* OH EM GEE NO!!
Audience: Is it. . .THIS!?
Close, but no.
Audience: Then what is it? Is it. . .WHEEL. . .OF. . .FORTUNE?!!
Audience: Is it Maplestory??
NOOOO- I mean yes! Finally. . .
Over the past couple of weeks, I have leveled my level 46 butt to level 47, which I accomplished with Ludibrium PQ, of course. I have met many people, many nice people, many people who are freaking asses all the time. Yet, I have leveled.
You all can now stare at my awesomeness. Yah, look at it. STARE AT IT!
You People: Ow my eyes!
That’s what I thought. I’m too great for mortal eyes.
And I also leveled my level 20 archer remake of Dest1 to level 21. And over that course of time I still haven’t found a Maple Weapon yet. Saddening.
Although the Mapling part of the blog is extremely short, I will continue to add!
I went to Scania to visit some of our fellow MMOTalers over there. No invitation to Aliyah’s wedding either! I chatted with Vanny, Mar, Nezzy, And some other dude from here. O_o. I’ll let him post that onto his blog.
Yeash, I joked on Van, I called her a “Van” and see got piss-ed. Yes, piss-ed. New word. ADD IT!
And, I found a new way to annoy a hacker. Use noobspeak. There was a hacker in the Mushie Tree, he was vaccing, but was still at the computer. He saw me, and told me to “Go away plz, cc” I ignored him and started talking like this “u hax i lke pie 2 i wnt hx u gme hax pzzz!11” he eventually got annoyed, and he changed channels. I took a screenshot, but I lost it somewhere in my C drive. Poor me. ;-;
Wee all the chatter, so much fatter. o_o
You people need to get off your arses and go outside, the air is fresh.
But the air is littered with carbon dioxide! We’ll die!
I went outside, I didn’t die.
You’ll die faster!
Treasure what you have now, bish.
Riiiiight. . .
I dunno what else to talk about. . .
So, does this mean THE END for this blog. . .AND DEST1?!
We’ll find out in the next epi-
Narrator dude, please stop doing that, or you’re fired.
You ain’t Donald Trump.
Oh yes I am.
Pssh, whatever. I quit.
What, you can’t quit!
Yes I can!
You can’t quit because I fired you!
I still quit!
Well I’m bringing you back in!
You’re fired.
Now for Screenshots!
Screenshot 1: I promised I would find the guild EternalAngel in Khaini!
Screenshot 2: Dest1 = Leveled to 47. 3 away from the awesome looking level 50 threads.
Screenshot 3: Chatbox between some of the MMOers.
Screenshot 4: More chatbox.
And since there is no screenshot 5, I’ll supply you with this! Ninja Cat!
The end.
This blog will self-destruct in 3. . .2. . .1. . .
If this blog is gonna self-destruct, then there won’t won’t be a blog anymore!
You *still strapped into your chair*: Woot!
Uhh. . .Uh. . .let me rewind that.
This blog will now stay on your face forever in 3. . .2. . .1. . .
You: NOOOOO!!!!
See, I am brilliant.
~Dest1 Productions.
I missed the wedding too.
I had NOO clue when it was. :S
Or when the wedding HAPPENED.
Or there was going to be one so SOON D<
I’m going to delete you from my black list .
I don’t have enough space .
*Bashes with parakeet*
There isn’t one yet! I’ll tell you when x) It’s most likely next weekend on Sunday ^^;
I though it passed!
DESTY, you still have time to go to mmotales, yet you shot yourself in the head and chest. How could j00? T.T. Nah, just pullin’ your leg. =)
you’re strange ^.^
~~~<3 Sera