Sigh, yeh, I’m about to quit Maple. I can’t play it, due to some retarded thing the patch done so that I can’t play, and I can’t even fix it. Ive tried tens of thousands of times, and it just won’t work. And maple takes up a hella lot of space, and now, maple has gone hacker-wild and with tennagers and kids who seem that they only know how to curse you out, or something. I’m kinda sleepy right now, so I can’t type much, but I’ll try if I can. And I pose a question, no one would answer, either they don’t know, or they just don’t want to answer. I would however, if I do delete Maple, download BannedStory, so I won’t go emoish once Maple is gone.
But then there is a downside. Months of trying to fix Maple has left me yearning just for a minute of MapleStory, and months of seeing the Maple-Infested MMOTales with screenies, videos, really has got me down. Also, all my friends, money, effort, will be gone, but then, that will just be a memory. BannedStory would be fun, but it is nothing like the real thing.
All my real life friends had quit Maple, leaving for Gunbound. I’m the only left in the gang, and I try not to be in a type of uniformity with the gang. I’m still thinking about it. Maple has been using up space for each patch, and everytime I do the patch, I lose memory. One month ago, I had 1.05 GB ((which still isn’t alot)) of RAM. Now, I have only 298 MB of RAM. I know someone has had this problem before, so speak up so we can converse about it.
Well, if I do quit Maple, I would want someone on Khaini to super Megaphone that I’m quitting. I’m still deciding, I’m giving Maple one more chance.
What exactly happened to it?
If it was the patches fault, then everyone would be effected by it. Something might be wrong with your system.
And bannedstory takes longer to download than Maple. For me, anyway.
Get a bigger hard drive if you’re running low on space
And gunbound sucks. I couldn’t play longer than two minutes.
Yeah eventually maple gets depressing and boring,
Idk why gunbound doesn’t get boring for me,
However it is all up to you! Good Luck dude! =D
Gunbound sucks unless you’re uber lucky, or you’re really good and fast at advanced (?) math.
I like maths , but hey , heard of the word [I]guessing[I] ? About the memory space , perhapes you might want to store the game into a thumb drive ? That ‘ s what my friend did .
Wow! if i encounter tis problem i should have cried!
I’ve got the problem too .
Down with my computer .
*Pokes Dest1*
Don’t quit .
Or I’ll . . .
Nuu, that just makes me more sad.
I am currently conversing this problem over with a fellow MMOer.
I am currently conversing this problem over with a fellow MMOer.”
Thats the point .
You’ll be so sad that you’ll forgot about quitting Maple .
Oh. Mi. Gaaaawd!
Madness calls .
I need my medicine!
Anni is crazy.
‘Nuff said.
‘Nuff said.”
Glad you noticed .
If you do end up quitting for a long time, <x<
Just know your blogs were an insperation to level <3. ;x
Hopefully Maple starts working for youuu~ 8D
Thank you, RADICAL.
*Praise you*
Hey, I’m haveing the same problem! So, I redownload it and it works!
But I have to go to my Mother’s Friend’S house, ’cause she has DSL, And I do not! ^_^- T.T
But, here’s on hopes, you don’t quit MapleStory, that would be sad.
I hate when people do that, that’s why I’m not giveing up! T~T
– Little preacher man.