. . .yes m’lord?
Have you heard that now those blasted scientists say the Earth is ROUND?!
No sir i haven’t m’lord. . .
It’s a bloody travesty!! Can’t wait til they find out how bloody wrong they are. Actually Cottingsworth i’ll give you your raise when the other half proves that the Earth is indeed round. That’ll be a time to celebrate wot wot!?
. . . . .sir if i could ask for resignation papers please. . .
yep. the parents have finally done it. ive got BRACES!!! OMG NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~!~!~!~ -horror-
so now not only od i have glasses but now braces. total nerdiness >=[ tho i have figured otu how to counter it by saying im a geek! =D lalala~
lets seee i cannot eat ANYthing anymore >___>;; because my teeth pain me so. not only do i have the braces but i ALSO have separators in my back teeth. chewing is a no-no xO.
no more nachos.
no more burgers.
no more -sniff- ICE CREAM!! T^T
o and btw theyre pink!! =D
soo im TRYING to train. really i am. but i keep getting distracted by this ghost from my past suddenly coming to join maple again and distracting my thought processes. yes it IS a guy xO
what do you do when this guy tells you he loves you continually all the way up to his wedding day? which is not to you. and he flirts and stuff while BL talking right inf ront of his wife. his wife is so nice she lets u borrow money from her and doesnt yell at u for being on her hubbys account.
doesnt this mean the guy is an arsehole and the girl should dump him!? >=[
-mutters about the infedelity of online guys-
back to regular maple stuff
im training at fire boars currently and am having a jolly good time with it =D for some reason no one knows where the burnt land is .___.;; i tell them its where cooks go to test out new recipes =D
-watches first cook try out their new recipe “Flame-Broiled Dragon”-
ok so im running out of words to say =O
so ill jsut say random stuff!!
ok not really ill jsut post my fav part of this poem again ^^
From too much Love of living
From Hope and Fear set free
We thank with brief thanksgiving
Whatever Gods there be
That no life lives forever
That dead mean rise up never
That even the weariest river
Winds somewhere safe to sea
my fav line is the last ;-;
listen to the lemon demon song ‘geeks in love’ XD
you can eat those, you just gotta be more careful!
Oh and *jumps over mario* jumps over dee* jumps over rainbow*
!LaZzz! ! !
I had braces and glasses! Well i stopped wearing my glasses a month before the braces came on. And now after 3 years of pain and money, i have a sexxxayy smile.
Braces are SOO worth the pain, cuz people with nice smiles are totally hotter.
@gujju: Hay, whoever said we needed to show our teeth? c;
I had braces too. They SUCKED. Oh, and I have glasses. Been wearing them the majority of my life. Those aren’t so bad, they’re quite nice, in fact!^^
I dislike glasses because they pinch at the bridge of my nose
So I wear contact lenses
But I have to get braces, because a biological defect caused me to not grow one of my permanent teeth! So now I can either get a false tooth (you know, where they screw a post into your jaw), or get a bunch of teeth pulled out to make both sides match.
None of the choices are very appealing
Lol, braces and glasses.
I hope not to get either of them ever, but I’m well on my way to needing both >.>
i begged my mom for ibprofen 400s and took 4 in hte mornng and 1 in hte afternoon.
them suckers hurt like a biznotch >=O
-glomps lazzy-
-feeds him to teddy bears- =D
You guys are scaring me.
Now I REALLY don’t want to get braces.
(But I don’t want an artificial tooth either
You guys are scaring me.
Now I REALLY don’t want to get braces.
(But I don’t want an artificial tooth either
Wooden teeth ftw
but im not jokin either
all thats true .___.;;
jsut think it doesnt hur thwen u GET them. . .jsut the day after. . .and the dafter that. .and hte day after that. im sure u see where im going with htis =3
trust me jsut get the braces =O
lol >=3
all thats true .___.;;
jsut think it doesnt hur thwen u GET them. . .jsut the day after. . .and the dafter that. .and hte day after that. im sure u see where im going with htis =3
trust me jsut get the braces =O
lol >=3
Wooden teeth + coconut
Your Bra? I dont get them? PInk?
*Imagines dee with pink braces, glasses, and pink bra*
*Unable to and blows up*
Poor Dee.