NOTICE: This story contains scenes of sexual contact and nudity. Viewer discretion is advised.
Mirar, Enah, Elsabeth and I walked through the streets of Kerning City, the moonlight casting a faint glow of silver light on the cobblestone streets. Mirar, his brown, shaggy hair flopping with every step and his hard leather jacket glistening with newborn shininess, whispered to me, What are we getting again? I laughed, Ive told you a thousand times, and probably will a thousand times more. We are getting DRINKS! Elsabeth shouted, her jet black hair flying around her head, whipping me in the face.
I chuckled again. We arrived at the Kerning City pharmacy and I opened the door. Elsabeth smiled at me and walked in. Mirar put his arm around Enahs shoulders and gave me a wink. Inside, the shop was empty except for two teenagers wandering down the aisles, pointing at random objects, and the bored-looking cashier, reading a comic book.
The 4 of us split up, each going to a different aisle. About five minutes later all of our items were being loaded into bags. I paid, and we left the shop, heading back the way we came. I looked over my shoulder at the store. The two teenagers came out, smiling in our direction.
OY! Mirar shouted, and we were surrounded. Sixteen strong-bodied teenagers formed a circle around us.
Back away! Mirar warned, taking out a short sword from his backpack.
Im warning y-! an arrow thudded into the middle of his chest. Shocked, all we could do was watch as Mirars lifeless body plummeted to the ground. I was consumed with anger at the teenagers; I lashed out, swiping my fists crazily at the teens. Two went down, unconscious from the face-wrenching punches. Elsabeth grabbed her magic wand and got behind me while she started the remnants of a spell.
Enah dove at the teens, batting one aside and hitting the stomach of another. I punched, broke somebodys nose, and was punched back in return, throwing me into blackness. I woke up suddenly and found myself wedged between two buildings, the teens still beating and kicking at me. My left arm was broken, but I still had my right!
Punching out, I knocked back the teens and managed to stand up, beating down another in the process. I glanced around. About seven of the sixteen teenagers that jumped us were on the ground. Elsabeth was unconscious about ten feet away from Mirar with two teens stalking in on her, seeing if she was still alive.
Enah was on the ground, clothes off, with a man on top of her still-conscious body, she was screaming. The scream chilled the bones of anybody within a hundred feet of her. I let out a cry, and grabbed for one of the teenagers. I latched onto his head and pulled him toward and in front of me, using him to block punches and kicks aimed at my body.
With Elsabeth in the most danger, I ran to her and slammed my knee into the stomach of the man raping her. He doubled over and I elbowed his back. I threw my human shield into him, knocking him off of Elsabeth. I looked to Enah and saw that the two teens were managing to pick her up and starting to run with here in between them.
A primal scream erupted from my lips, and in three strides I had covered twenty feet and threw myself at the two teens. One crashed to the ground, his head hitting stone, the others back I jumped on. A silver light glistened near the boys pocked and I grabbed at it, my fingers covering the handle of a knife.
I brought it out, and slammed it home into the kids back. It dug right through, plunging until only the hilt was visible. I let go of the knife, and the dead teenager fell to the ground. With eleven of their companions either dead or knocked out, the other five teens ran for the alleys of Kerning City.
Thats right you run you bastards!! RUN AND LICK YOUR WOUNDS! I roared at their backs. I knelt at Enahs side and grabbed her throat, checking for a pulse. One beat slowly, but surely. I sighed. I picked her light body up and placed her beside Mirar, and went to Elsabeth. Her clothes were still off and an expression of revulsion, hatred, and pain was implanted on her face. I picked her up and stood her at a wall and pulled her clothes back on. I checked for a pulse. One beat very faintly.
I put her beside Mirar, and sat down by his head. The arrow shaft had gone half-way through his body, right in the middle of his chest. The color of his face was already gone. He was dead; it hit me then, my best friend, my brother, the man I could share anything with: was dead. Hatred filled my heard, gave me fuel to keep me going. Those sixteen teenagers, with one arrow, had murdered the biggest influence I had ever known. This man had stopped me from becoming one of those murderers.
I spent a long time looking at Mirar. After hours of reflection, the beautiful golden-brown sun crested over the sky-scrapers of Kerning City. My friends will want to know what happened. There, on that exact spot, I swore on Mirars dead body that I would avenge him, and appease his soul.
I swore I then. Those murderers shall pay. I shall never die, until my goal is complete. Never.
Well, thanks to any of you that actually read this I was REALLY bored one night, and decided to write something, since I haven’t written anything since… Well… Check out my MMOID
Nice story! I know what you mean by not writing any stories or blogs. I’m just too lazy.
Thanks LordHobo
I saw the words: sexual, nudity, and rape. I didn’t read it. I knew it was good.
Haha, good Froggy
Sup, yungin.
You know how to catch a potential reader’s attention.
I’ll read this later, perhaps.
I’ll read this later, perhaps.”
Haha, thanks ya’ll
It all happened so quick that I wasn’t really feeling it. Perhaps more background info on Mirar could have been provided to help the reader understand exactly why he’s your idol.
-=The Nazgul=-
I agree with teh Nazgul
-=The Nazgul=-“
Oy mate, if Chapter 1 (Might be 2, This could be Chap. 1) then it’ll tell you all about it
Apparently, I’ve been temporarily banned for trying to say s’e’x in this blog. . .
Agree with Nazgul, seems like the action scene came up too fast
Sashimi, what do you suggest should be before it, or what should happen to lead up to it?
And I made this at like 11:30 like a week ago 
-=The Nazgul=-“
Something about the speech mixed up in the paragraphs and the use of ‘4’ instead of four, etc.
Just basic layout needs some tweaking. Action scenes can be fast pace but remember, everthing in moderation.
~Lily x33.
Agreed with Nazgul and Lily.
Good effort though ^^
Lol, since it’s called the five I think it should only have five likes! XD *takes away two likes*
Wow, the story moves way way way too fast! Slow it down and describe more!
Lol, who am I to give advice though. . .T.T
damian u are!
and hmm i too think it happent a bit fast but its already very interesting!