GM’s Aren’t Lazy, You Are.

If you think GMs are lazy, you are WRONG!
Think about other MMORPG games like Turf Battles, or Conquer Online. Do they have hackers? No. Do they have events with Game Administrators? No.
Now think about MapleStory. Do they have hackers? Yes. Do they have events with Game Administrators? Yes. Do we have fun? Yes.

The only thing they don’t have that we have is; PLAYERS. How many people do you think play a world? 20,000? Probably .5% of every person is a hacker, so we have 100 hackers in a world.

How many people play Turf Battles in a Server? About probably 400. That would mean they only have 2 hackers in a Server.

How many people play Conquer Online in a Server? Maybe 500. That would mean only 2 and a half hackers in a Server.

That is why MapleStory is always FILLED with hackers, we are the biggest MMORPG out there. Be sure that every MMORPG will have hackers, but not many unless it gets populated like MapleStory. Be proud to be playing the biggest online role-playing game out there. WE RULE!!!

What do you do all day? Sit around and play a game while yelling at GMs being lazy when they are at work inside cubicles? I for one would be excited to play a game as a job! But the GMs are getting less and less because you people are yelling at them. If we stop yelling, more GMs come to take on the job and guess what? MORE HACKERS WILL BE BANNED! So stop being lazy by just sitting around playing a darn video game, and get up, take a nice walk outside, and think about what I said.


P.S. Did you see the ban list about a month ago? Check it out.

10 thoughts on “GM’s Aren’t Lazy, You Are.”

  1. dude, we really don’t need another of these blogs, it slows down my computer when i hav to load all these blogs at the list all blog place

  2. This has been posted one too many times. Besides, I think the point is stuck into our heads anyways.

    EDIT: I am NOT 0.5% of a hacker. 😐 You should really get your facts straight before attempting to lecture us on a topic. And if you’re saying everyone’s a hacker, wouldn’t you be one of them? Can I report you?

  3. pls repeot him for being or having nothing hahax, like this blog but tooooo many people try to be famous by writing dis sort of stuff,

  4. O.O”’ GMs aren’t lazy, i know that XD But you had a very good reason to back your opinion up!
    People, he’s just stating his own idea, you don’t have to read it, >___> If it bugs you so much.

    – VanillaPocki –

  5. I see these in mapleglobal forums but more bichier people aer always commenting constantly.

  6. Hm . . .

    The GM’s are doing their job, lets leave it at that. And hackers, They’ll eventually get caught. It’s nothing to make a fuss out of it. And there are WAY more players than that in one server for each game, they just don’t appear all at the same time.

    This just my opinion.


  7. noob, in MS each channel can hold 1400 people except ch 1, it holds 2500 people, so therefore MS holds 29,100 max people its FACT i hate noobs.

    And be aware that most hackers are not devoted msers like us, they play about 3-7 hrs a week.

  8. reminds me of 2 of my blogs

    crybabies (renamed ungrateful brats)

    and gms’ are lazy right?

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