
Today is the second day of board hunting for I, darkness. (Whose real character name shall not be heard)

Yesterday I successfully found the blood board I needed. And with the added bonus of a golden board. Yay!

Today, I traveled to Ossy, only to be slayed by the nefariously EVIL! Crimson Balrog. Curse my curiosity. Curiosity may have not killed the cat, but it killed me, for sure.

Taking another trip, WITHOUT leaving the cabin, I made it. Yes.

I went to aqua road, and took a left at the aquarium, a down at forked road: west sea, and headed for gobys.

Guess what I found?


Ok, enough guessing. A Maple Snowboard! And only my first trip there, too! My second bubble! (no, I’m too lazy to get an oxy tank, and it takes up my cape slot anyway)

Anything good (I SAID GOOD!) happen to you?

And sorry I don’t have pics, but I assure you I have it. Is 83 att for that board good?

9 thoughts on “Hurrah!”

  1. Ehm. . . I don’t really know about board attacks, but 83att seems pretty high to me. You’re very lucky to get boards.

    Hmz. . . anything good happen to me you say? Not really. . . I have been studying so no maple for me.

  2. yea word up =P. i never study but i manage to get ok grades so im happy, cept my mom she expects 90’s from me cause im a F.A.G. (funny asian guy) XD.

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