Recently, I had heard of a strange whale/clock boss lurking in the zenith of the forbidding EOS tower.
The night before, I had leveled up, and boosted power into my skill of Meditation.
Excited to experiment with my greater magic power, I grabbed my wand and headed to the train station.
After a short and anxious seven-minute ride, during which i traded reputation with another player, I arrived at the Toy Land called Ludibrium. I smoothed out my robes and used my Teleportation skills to reach the EOS tower.
Upon arriving at the tower, i realized that I could not defeat this Monster on my own. I decided to join a small party of adventurers, including two speedy assassins, a bulky warrior, another wizard commanding the elements of fire, and a cleric.
After entering their band of soldiers, the cleric, apparently the leader of this party, told me of another group of adventurers already attempting to kill The Monster, Alishar. He mentioned the name of their leader, so that i could keep an eye out for him.
A few minutes later, a worn party emerged from behind the doors of the 101st floor in the EOS tower. They had failed to kill Alishar, and ended up fleeing for their lives. I steeled myself for the oncoming tasks.
Traveling through the tower, we encountered a set of talking balloons, which set up separate tasks for each party member to do. Upon completing that task, which involved taking care of the infestations of Toy monsters, we were allowed to enter Alishar’s dark lair.
The Creature was ferocious; nearly five times our size! He screamed a deafening roar, attempting to lock my mind and disable my powers of fire.
Launching fire arrow after fire arrow at the grim beast, i suddenly noticed a shocking mistake; My fairy, the Magic Guard, had left me! I desperately attempted to turn on my Magic Guard, but it was too late. Alishar blasted me with a wave of magic.
Drained of my vitality, i collapsed and teleported to a room in the EOS tower.
Later, I decided to try to kill Alishar again.
I rejoined the band of adventurers, but there seemed to be a strange disagreement in the group. They disbanded the party, and reformed, inviting a speedy assassin in my place.
Feeling betrayed, i ventured down the tower and fought Block Golems, alone.
That concludes my attempts to kill Alishar today.
u put more effort in this than ur essays lol
EDIT: im sorry, my stupid little brother is running around spamming things
lol ^^ nice story man, if only people actually put all this effort into school work
Well , People probably put so much effort into writing their Stories/Blogs is beacuse almost the entire world may read them , Whereas schoolwork is only read by the Professor/Teacher