
“kar·ma ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kärm)
Hinduism & Buddhism. The total effect of a person’s actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person’s existence, regarded as determining the person’s destiny.
Fate; destiny.
Informal. A distinctive aura, atmosphere, or feeling: There’s bad karma around the house today. “

We’ve all heard of Karma, I’m sure.
If one does a good deed, said person will be rewarded, not necessarily directly rewarded with a gift, but mentally or spiritually rewarded in some way.

Which brings me to today, I found myself a delightful Zombie II map, which is probably the best map for Zombies since it’s relatively flat, pretty compact, and has a good spawn rate.
Suddenly; A Cleric appears, level 69..
Cleric: Aww, I’ve been seeking an empty map for hours
Me: Sorry..
Cleric: *About to Change Channel*
Me: Infact, you know what .. take it.

*Scrolls back to El Nath*
I decided to go train at Hectors etc.
When I saw a Pepe on a Platform, and killed it
A Silver Identity hat dropped..

That brings me back to Karma, I did something good for someone,
I got something in return, but not directly off that person.
Maybe that person hadn’t been looking for as long as they claimed..
But I decided I owed a good deed.


15 thoughts on “Karma”

  1. My karma is eternally bad, I could pass out pan lids and the next day die a few times.

  2. quang13 said: “wots karma? o.O”

    I would suggest that you re-read his blog.

  3. Lol, karma. uh huh, right. Lol, that was good that you got rewarded for being nice though

  4. Yeah, Right. Unless my rewards for being nice, giving to, and helping people are coming in later years, then I seriously doubt it truely exists.

  5. xDD
    Never works for me though.
    I ‘ve gave a Level 13 sin-to-be with only a set of subis, 9 sets of subis and didnt get anything.

  6. 9 sets of subis is not exactly a gift that is well recieved, he could have illbis for all you know -_-“

  7. Well, if u wanna see a karma here, gimme 500k and ill give yah a b1tchslap lmao xD

  8. You guys don’t get the point. I think that he wants people to treat others with more respect, For in a way better things can come from it.

  9. Wow. The same thing happened to me.(Kinda) I helped a level 26 magician find the 2nd job advancemet person. Then I went to cold eyes, a maple doom singer. Then an above average brown starlight. Good deeds= great rewards! =D

  10. Yup, it’s totally true as I’ve had days like this where I spend my day helping people out rather than training or item hunting and then when I get back to item hunting I get exactly what I’ve been looking for.

    Yesterday I was helping a lvl 29 bowman work on some quests so he’s have some free lvl 30 equipment when he makes it there and while we were resting the the Sleepywood Sauna he decided to drop his Ryden that he bought as a way of showing it off. He does and all of a sudden it flies across the whole sauna to a person who’s standing on the other side who promptly quits.

    He’s always short on cash and was all torn up because he worked hard to pick it up. He gave me one of his last 10% scrolls to sell off for helping him all that day and he asked me to see if I could find a new Ryden for him. I’d had a rather good streak of luck with some decent drops so when I found a +7 Ryden on sale for 350k I bought it for him.

    I then continued to train and I just had drop after drop of items that so for I’ve managed to sell for over 200k. I normally have terrible luck with drops where I once killed over 3500 Horny Mushrooms with only mesos, ores and potions as drops. It seems that when I spend my time helping others out I get paid back almost instantly.

  11. haha

    there’s a song on karma
    Karma-Alicia Keys

    I am always unlucky but it never brings me down ^^; I help people out and THEn go trian, and for some reason i ekep getting dc ores, I thoguth they were just really common until my friend told me they sell for 30k each! I have 27 of em and counting ^_^

    I remember once,
    I was helping this guy who has a lot of trouble trianing, so I helped him lvl and then went ahead to training, I decided to move 1 map over to look at big wraiths and killed 1 and it dropped red moon pants, of course that snot very rare but I didn’t know that ^^ I was happy 😀

    and this week I’ve been nice about a lot of things, I taught this newbi how to play ms and trian and put points in and gave her 30k ^^, 6 hats, 3 red maros, all above averge 3 black danas 2 above averge ^_^ and thats just the drop count so far 😀 I got far more, like a white piettra while helping my friend lvl!

    What comes around Goes around, What goes up, must come down,

  12. Karma mistreated me today, as outlined in my blog.

    This is quite an ironic blog.

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