Orange BUBBLINGS for Halloween~

Ah *contented sigh*. Yet another fine conspiracy theory proven by the ruley awsm that is me. Myself and Dezzle hast been arguing this point for ahwile now -are the event slimes actual orange slimes, or really bubblings? You look and see for yourself. *wins* *I WIN DEZ!* xD
-Munky <3

See it on Photoshop for bettar quality!

15 thoughts on “Orange BUBBLINGS for Halloween~”

  1. Yet these so-called “bubblings” have 50 HP, hit for less than a real bubbling, give 10 exp, and get kb’ed by 1 damage.

    Slime it is.

  2. sapphire8 said: “Yet these so-called “bubblings” have 50 HP, hit for less than a real bubbling, give 10 exp, and get kb’ed by 1 damage.

    Slime it is.”

    Oh? But you’ve forgotten, Wizet said they’re orange b/c they ate too much pumpkin pie! They’re sluggish and full tummied! ^_^ This explains their low stamina and damaging capabilities! In addition, the game awards less exp for them, because they are drowsy and weak, and are thus easier to kill. :-p BUBBLINGGGSSSSS! *runs off shouting through mmotales*

  3. Actually, they’re still slimes. They ate lots and lots of candy, making them so full of sugar that they lost the sparkle in their eyes. Sugar also bloated their bubble, as slimes don’t store fat.

    In short, they’re slimes.

  4. Bubblings are blue slimes. >.> So Orange Bubblings are just. . . orange slimes.

    I’m proud of my skills of logial deduction.

  5. Wow o.O. I never noticed this before. *ponders* wow! Da Munky just pwned those non beleivers.

    And wow how do you ever notice thesek things. They invaded the slime cave i guess and kicked all teh green ones or made them extinct? IDK theres just some other reasonbly good counters for your well reason

  6. Yes, I do have too much free time, though this only actually took me five minutes or so. ^_^

    xD All the green slimes are on vacation for the Halloween holiday. I actually noticed this wandering through Hensys with Dez, and was finally like, OMF! I KNEW something was wrong! >>;

    Silver, bubblings are the cousins of slimes, saying a bubbling is a slime is like saying human is a chimp. Subsequently, painting a human orange does not make him/her an orange chimp. xD

    Mrlumpy makes a better point, that they could have become bubbly-like with the help of sugar, except for two facts he overlooked;
    #1 Wizet specifically announced that pumkins did it, and this would not explain an inflation of the tail, but not the body, as the two are made of the same stuff. Slime anatomy 101 my friends.
    #2 They were orange at the beginning of the Halloween event, back when candy was insanely hard to find, and thus, it cannot be candy! They didn’t have 20k a pop to buy enough candy to mess with their fat content! >O


  7. srry about bubling and slime i just call them blue slimes and green slimes really. I really tihnk though that after a whole month and more they would be back to normal, from only one day of eating pie because bny then they should have learned their mistake and nto done it again


  8. Uhm. Yeah. What does that have to do with anything? And who’s side are you on? -__-; *vaugely confused as to what, precisely, your point was*

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