Seems that this week for me has been full of accomplishments. I don’t think I’ve had a more productive week of Maple ever.
So… what exactly have I done this week?
Achievement #1: Breaking 10mil for the first time. I eventually got up to 15mil but lost most of it to one of the achievements I’ve listed below.
Achievement #2: Breaking 100 fame. I now have 106.
Achievement #3: This is THE big one folks. Starting at Level 67 and 90% with major ambitions, I got myself to level 70 in just over 2 days. Seeing that I had to devote myself to Maple for 2 days in order to do it, I hope to never, ever, have to do this ever again. 3rd job went smoothly, and after 8 and a half months Moofey, a somewhat well-known bowman on Bera, is finally a Ranger!
Achievement #4: During my big 70 grind, I bought an 85 ATK 6 slot Golden Hinkel (The owner scrolled it with a 60% that worked) for 3mil. The morning after I did 3rd job I was going to scroll it with 100%s as to keep from ruinining it, but my guildmate convinced me to go all 60%s, so I did. Now, I consider myself bad luck when it comes to scrolling, but I can’t say that anymore. Why? Because ever single 60% worked! I now have a 97 ATK perfect-scrolled Golden Hinkel; I spent about 8mil on the bow total, and now it’s just absolutely godly and has to be worth at least 15mil now. (Okay, so maybe it’s a bit short of godly but you know.)
So between money, fame, job advancements, and godly-scrolled weapons, I think it’s been an awesome week.
Nice work! great achievements!
Haha, that’s awesome! 70, wow, sweet. And all 60%’s worked.
keep it up!
OMG! You are so lucky! A perfect Golden Hinkel! And congratulations on reaching Level 70!
oh dang moof nice. i remember when you were only lvl 50. . .and i was in your guild.
lvl70 is the turning point for bowmen and warriors, where they get unbelievably strong. Gd luck!
Aww. . . I wish I was lvl 70. . . XD Congratulations though!
I’m only lvl 20. :*( RIGHT-ON MAN! HOOT HOOT!
Least you got to play Maple,I’ve been stuck in school for awhile now,and grinding on homework -.-
I’m on 66, but school’s in the way. >;0
*claps hands*
You can skip the level 80 bow with that
Gratz! I hope to be lv 70 soon. and i had okay luck with scrolling my EW. 1 10% and 2 60s worked. It has no slots left but hey, i think a 5 int EW is decent
my my, amazing scrolling there. O_o
good for you (: