My awesome week

Seems that this week for me has been full of accomplishments. I don’t think I’ve had a more productive week of Maple ever.

So… what exactly have I done this week?

Achievement #1: Breaking 10mil for the first time. I eventually got up to 15mil but lost most of it to one of the achievements I’ve listed below.

Achievement #2: Breaking 100 fame. I now have 106.

Achievement #3: This is THE big one folks. Starting at Level 67 and 90% with major ambitions, I got myself to level 70 in just over 2 days. Seeing that I had to devote myself to Maple for 2 days in order to do it, I hope to never, ever, have to do this ever again. 3rd job went smoothly, and after 8 and a half months Moofey, a somewhat well-known bowman on Bera, is finally a Ranger!

Achievement #4: During my big 70 grind, I bought an 85 ATK 6 slot Golden Hinkel (The owner scrolled it with a 60% that worked) for 3mil. The morning after I did 3rd job I was going to scroll it with 100%s as to keep from ruinining it, but my guildmate convinced me to go all 60%s, so I did. Now, I consider myself bad luck when it comes to scrolling, but I can’t say that anymore. Why? Because ever single 60% worked! I now have a 97 ATK perfect-scrolled Golden Hinkel; I spent about 8mil on the bow total, and now it’s just absolutely godly and has to be worth at least 15mil now. (Okay, so maybe it’s a bit short of godly but you know.)

So between money, fame, job advancements, and godly-scrolled weapons, I think it’s been an awesome week.

15 thoughts on “My awesome week”

  1. lvl70 is the turning point for bowmen and warriors, where they get unbelievably strong. Gd luck!

  2. Gratz! I hope to be lv 70 soon. and i had okay luck with scrolling my EW. 1 10% and 2 60s worked. It has no slots left but hey, i think a 5 int EW is decent

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