A quick rant regarding clerics and meso

Uh… it’s just my opinion. I don’t go hating on clerics cause of it, but I just thought I’d let this out.

Clerics have it so easy they shouldn’t even be allowed to complain sometime. Just a few days ago, one of my cleric guildmates said, “I’m so poor. I have 24mil.”

24 mil? Poor? HAH! Maybe if you’re level 70 or so, but I’m level 55 and have 4.2mil, so SUCK IT UP, PRINCESS.

Sorry to all the clerics out there, I just felt the need to make a half-effort post to get that out of me.

4 thoughts on “A quick rant regarding clerics and meso”

  1. I have a level 36 F/P wizard with 9.1 Mil. . . Acutally I would have only had 3 Mil but my bro gave me 5 mil. =)

  2. HAha, well I admit I have a lv8 mage mule that I might make into a Cleric if I ever get bored with Moofey, but it’s just for the sake of it to see if it really is as easy as I think.

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