Why is Mushmom so Slow to come out??

Well Maplers you wanna know why mushmom is slow to come out? No, its not that shes with mushdad. No, its not that shes to fat to get out. Its because mushmom is to busy picking what scroll or ilbi to drop after she is defeated. But you maplers rush mushmom and say COME OUT B***** maybe if you took your time and ask nicely there will be a item droped =]. Because she moves so low it takes a long time for her to pick a item -_-. When it is her time to come out shes is immeadiatly assasinated by Hermits,Chiefbandits,Crusaders,WhiteKnights, and mages. I know she doesnt like droping the scrolls after she is deafeted its because when you kill her she has no time to toss the item -_-. Please give her 10seconds to live and she will drop a scroll =D. And trust me mushmom feels bad for not giving the item after being killed.

8 thoughts on “Why is Mushmom so Slow to come out??”

  1. o_O, I’ll do that next time I go mushmoming, which is a never. =P Nice blog btw. *Clicks cause I liked the blog*

    x33 Sunia

  2. i just love it when people but sense to the game, like telling us why mushrooms can move/have faces and stuff like that

  3. uh. . .
    Are you serious? I mean like come on! Are. . .are you with me? Are you like there?
    Are you like yourself? Are you a mushroom pacifist? Are you trying to reconfigure democracy? I mean like, are you all there?


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