Lord Vader…Riiise…(again)

So yeah, I totally forgot about this site….for TWO MONTHS. In that LONG ASS period of time, Burning Crusade came out, the max level is 70, and all this neat stuff….

And I’m only level 52 (It’s sad because I was level 40 when BC came out, and there’s billions of Draenei and Blood Elves level 70. Ow, ego, pain).

Somewhere along the way, I burnt out. This happens to me in all games, Maple Story, Lineag II, Ragnarok Online, etc. etc. I play feverishly for awhile, and then i get sick and I can’t stand a game for a certain period of time. Well, over the next few days, I’ll try to reintroduce the life of a WoW’er back to this blogging site, and hopefully win some people over. LOLBRAINWASH.

In any case, I’m back! I was never too good at these blog things (my xanga hasn’t been touched for two years lolwaffles). I’ve taken a few screenshots, and have a couple boring stories to tell! Yaaay!

But yes, I think my passion for WoW is back again. Playing MapleStory for a week does WONDERS to kindle the desire to play better games. Oh, burn.

Did I mention World of Warcraft has dinosaurs?! AND YOU CAN KILL THEM. WE’S GOTS JURASSIC PARK POACHER IN DA HOUSE. link

Among the things I was doing while away from WoW, was play some F.E.A.R.!! It’s a free multiplayer FPS!! Plus the mines are fun (and slo-mo).


MINES TO THE FACE!!!! Just google F.E.A.R. (Don’t worry, only multiplayer is downloadable, so you don’t have to fret too much about pissing all over yourself when Alma comes down those ****ing dark hallways in her creepy ass red-dress and ****. OH MY GOD. I hate single-player. Easily scared. Can you tell? Nah. Moving on.)

TO LEVEL 70!!!! LOLOLOL (Nerf druids)

*EDIT* I looked over the WoW blogs while I was away, and THERE IS NOTHING!!! I AM DISAPPOINTED IN YOU WORLD. I THOUGHT THERE WAS A GOD! The only blogs in the WoW section is some guy posting some quizzes and ****. What the hell? Is it just me, or is the WoW department really lacking on this site? Damn. Whatever, I’m going to bed.

6 thoughts on “Lord Vader…Riiise…(again)”

  1. I must not touch WoW. . .Must. . . .Not!

    No money to spare after buying it, not to mention the subcription!

  2. I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really despise World of Warcraft. It makes zombies out of people.

  3. I realised that it was not maple related only when I read the thrid paragraph . I might start playing Wow you know ?

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